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[H-VN] Dra+Koi

Started by Geckoey Lurker, April 24, 2013, 06:33:49 AM

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Geckoey Lurker

Release Date : 2006-02-03

A boy-meets-girl story in a world under attack by dragons.

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English Patch:
TLWiki - MF - MEGA

Translation Team:
TLWiki (Moogy)

Does anyone wants me to upload the complete Sabato Nabe -Nitro Amusement Disc-? Note that it includes Dra+Koi
Meanwhile, you can get it over at ErogeDownload.



Many thanks.  I'll check it out after I finish Family Project.


surprisingly linear kinda felt like a nitro+ side project compared to other VNs by them like chaos head

Geckoey Lurker

It is a pretty short VN after all, it's still fairly good if not interesting.
I think there is a few different endings, at least, did not actually finish it myself just yet.

I don't think it would be wrong to consider the 3 games on the Amusement Disc to have been side-projects, or at least much shorter ones in term of making than their usual games.


I took my time reading it, and I flabbergasted at how long Jast is taking to release it unless talking with nitro+ is the cause.

what i found so far maybe 2 endings, and 3 dead end endings.

by side project I didn't mean it in a bad way, its just it was a a game meant to fill in between big releases, such as not appointing all their resources on dra+koi while they worked on a bigger release.


Huh, so apparently running this game with Applocale breaks the scripts or something, because it makes both choices on the second decision lead to the same path (going to the amusement park), but ends the game in an abrupt bad end afterwards as if you did not. It also makes some non-H CGs not show up while playing, instead just displaying a black screen.

Trying without Applocale was just a last ditch attempt at troubleshooting for the heck of it, but it seems to fix the decision trees and missing CGs. Unfortunately it also ruins the line breaks and messes up the fonts every so often. I guess running the PC in Japanese Locale proper might solve it, but it's just a bother to keep turning it on and off.

Geckoey Lurker


If you read the read me included, Moogy says this at the beginning:
Nitro+ was willing to let us release this game officially, but JAST needs to work through the rest of their
current Nitro+ catalogue before they'd be able to release Dra+KoI. Makoto estimated that this would take at least
a year; possibly a year and a half or more. I am unwilling to wait this long to release a translation that was
finished months ago, so here you go.

I feel kinda lucky with how keeping mine in jp locale all the time doesn't seem to break anything I regularly use, so it's pretty safe for me.


who doesn't keep their PC in jp locale at all times if they play VNs?  I have dozens and dozens of different types of programs installed and none has ever "broke" by the PC being in jp locale.

@geckoey: I was going to quote that earlier, but the line
Nitro+ was willing to let us release this game officially, but JAST needs to work through the rest of their
current Nitro+ catalogue before they'd be able to release Dra+KoI.
made me reconsider because I wasn't sure if Moogy meant Nitro+ was only willing to let them release officially after JAST had finished all the other stuff first or if JAST was not willing to release until they had finished their own plans.  I'm leaning towards JAST being stubborn as Moogy went on to say that he probably won't go to JAST in the future.

Geckoey Lurker

Some of mines have broken, specifically the ones that are specifically in French and are without any English TL available, but nothing that I really need to use - plus I'm more at ease with English anyway.
Another very minor inconvenience - for me - is that in some programs " \ " will instead show-up as a " ¥ ".

As for Nitro+, either way, it meant that they were willing to let them release it, whenever that is.
Just meant to say that, whether or not the 'delay' is their fault. Though, I'ld be ready to bet the fault lie on JAST,
it can be seen with many of their projects, old and recent, but I think of JAST as JList more than anything else,
the efforts they put into translation seems to be merely something they do on the side, so I never really expect anything
on that side of things from them.

For those curious, here is Moogy's full message:
Nitro+ was willing to let us release this game officially, but JAST needs to work through the rest of their
current Nitro+ catalogue before they'd be able to release Dra+KoI. Makoto estimated that this would take at least
a year; possibly a year and a half or more. I am unwilling to wait this long to release a translation that was
finished months ago, so here you go. Additionally, for a variety of reasons, I will likely not be working
with JAST in the future. Hopefully this will let me free up some time (and muster up the energy, really)
to work on some fan translations I've been interested in starting up for a while now, but who knows what
the future will hold. I'd also like to take the time to thank herkz for the amount of work he put into fixing up
things in terms of wordwrapping and other nigglings. Fungi and vvav also have my gratitude for agreeing
to tackle the eroscenes - and actually going through with it, unlike several other people in the past.

As far as the project itself is concerned, I originally translated the game back in early 2011, shortly after
receiving the JLPT1, in order to get some actual practice with the art of transmuting Japanese into English.
At the time, I wasn't terribly satisfied with the results, so I ended up letting the mostly-finished scripts fester
in obscurity on Assembla for quite some time. Two years later, Ixrec decided he was going to translate the game
himself. Thanks to some... prodding on the part of vvav (and a bit of pettiness on my own), I decided to give my own
translation a once-over and see if it was really as bad as I had driven myself to believe it was. Long story short, I ended
up spending a few days reading through my original scripts and revising them both for accuracy and elegance of prose.
Funnily enough, I had actually made a few rather embarrassing contextual misinterpretations in my original attempt,
resulting in some truly... fascinating translations in the process. Fortunately, with two more years of experience
with the Japanese language under my belt, I was (hopefully!) able to hunt down and quash all of these nasty pests.
Proof that JLPT1 is not the end-all, be-all of Japanese knowledge, if anything, I suppose. Anyway, with some help
from DxS and herkz in terms of getting the scripts looking nice in terms of formatting and hunting down typos,
awkward wording, and the like, the project was soon more or less release-ready, at which point I brought up the
idea of a commercial release with Makoto. Obviously, this did not pan out. Sorry to keep you waiting even longer,
but I really did want to exhaust all possibilities, so to speak, before just putting the patch out there for free.

Regarding stylistic decisions in the translation, I've taken a very liberal approach when dealing with the dialogue,
choosing to focus on making it sound natural to a native English speaker above all else. I've actually dialed it back
a bit in this regard from the original translation, though, so hopefully it never strays exceedingly far from the tone
and intent of the original - which is my main worry with the translation in general, really. The narration, on the other
hand, I tended to take on a more case-by-case basis, depending on what fit the scene. Some of it is surprisingly literal,
but I still took my fair share of liberties when I felt the situation demanded it. I've left a good deal of comments in the
script files with my thoughts on the various approaches I took and adaptations I came up with, so if you're interested
you might want to open up the .nps files in your text editor of choice and take a look. There are also some very obscure
references that I was at a bit of a loss for what to do with and ended up kind of glossing over in the English script;
I've noted these in the scripts to the best of my memory as well. Finally, I welcome any and all comments and criticism,
whether you're simply nitpicking my English or pointing out that I completely misunderstood some pivotal line and ruined
the game as a result. Just make sure you can sound like you know what you're talking about in the process!

As one final note, there is a great deal of profanity in the translation, especially from the protagonist. This was a
conscious decision, and I feel it fits the tone of the game overall - you're free to disagree with it, but I'm not willing
to make many compromises here. Also, I'm from Tennessee, so I'll opt to blame my upbringing in the event of any
bizarre slang being pointed out. Thanks for reading this wall of text, and especially thanks for taking the time to
read through Dra+KoI itself - it's a very fun little game and I think there should be more eroge like it.

- Moogy, April 21st, 2013


I feel kinda lucky with how keeping mine in jp locale all the time doesn't seem to break anything I regularly use, so it's pretty safe for me.

It only breaks two things on mine: one of the UFO games and MPC's subs, which forces me to use VLC whenever I'm watching something with my younger brother or I make him exercise his English.


It didn't use to be a problem, but nowadays software that automatically switch language to the one in your locale is becoming more common, and not all of them will manually let you select languages (bad design imo). Which is a problem for me as my Japanese is extremely rudimentary.

It's not a huge deal, but it's annoying having to reboot when it does pop up. For the most part Applocale works just fine, so it's been more convenient for me to stick with that. I was just surprised at how it could actually cause the decisions in the game to fire the wrong events afterwards.


ugh this Moogy guy sounds like a douche


ugh this Moogy guy sounds like a douche

One of his reasons for delaying Dra+Koi's translation for two years was because he didn't want to sully his hands translating sex scenes.


I feel kinda lucky with how keeping mine in jp locale all the time doesn't seem to break anything I regularly use, so it's pretty safe for me.

It only breaks two things on mine: one of the UFO games and MPC's subs, which forces me to use VLC whenever I'm watching something with my younger brother or I make him exercise his English.

?? I dunno about UFO games, but it definitely shouldn't break MPC, I have four PCs all in JP locale with standard K-lite+MPC for animu and it has always worked fine 0.o I used to rely on VLC for those broken .avi files that used to be around for older series, but the style stripping plus unreliable skip feature is just bad...