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[H-VN] Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! (Majikoi) (100% ENG)

Started by SaMo, September 27, 2010, 04:39:43 AM

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Which could have been done even by Panda, in the case that it was actually spyware.


Yandere translations is apparently back with a new site, sort of.

Hi everyone, the site is back up and we'll try to move whatever we can salvage from the old website back onto here (mostly eroge reviews).

First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone about the lack of updates and not being able to fix the site going offline. I'm sincerely sorry about that. It's because of my work and personal life (unfortunately, it wasn't an imouto who I was separated with at birth appearing out of nowhere and confessing her love to me and sending my life into harem chaos), but I won't get into that. All I want to say is that I'll continue to translate as best as my time allows me.
My passion for eroge and eroge translation hasn't gone away, but my time I could devote to it has dwindled down insanely. For now, I'll just say that I'll finish Majikoi even though it may take a while. But if some group feels I am not going fast enough, they are welcome to start translating and get something out before me.

I'll end it here for now. I'll try to write more often on here now.
Thank you so much for all the support.

Their channel topic says Myiako route is 50% complete, and it said 45% complete back when site went down in early summer.

Well fuck... And I was looking forward to Miyako route.

On a brighter note, someone is translating majikoi S:

Geckoey Lurker

Since Majikoi! S was mentioned:,1203.0.html

It would be nice if a mod could move it out of the Japanese Section, thanks.


Geckoey Lurker

Yandere Patches:

English Patch for Majikoi!:

Majikoi MF:
Re-uploading in progress..
Split in 29 Parts of 200MBs and 1 Part of 18 MBs for 5.68 GBs. Around 7.31 GBs once extracted.


I'm about to finish Momoyo routes but sadly whenever I tried to finish it, it will crash around the war with S-Class.

It's a runtime error which says "Microsoft C++ runtime library error blabla", It never happens on the last two routes I played(which is Mayucchi and Chris)

I installed it on win 7 64 bits, oh and I have already update the Microsoft visual C++, DirectX, and the .NetFrame and it still doesn't solved the issue, so anyone know how to fix this?

EDIT : Well there's also a chance that the problem lies in my copy of the vn, altho if that's the case then shouldn't there be error(s) during the installation stage?


Nah, it's probably a problem with your VisualC++ Runtime.

Try to uninstall it, restart your computer, and then install this version :


Geckoey Lurker

No it isn't, or at least doesn't seem to be anymore now (didn't check earlier)
Remember, it is now and NOT


Been wondering what are the routes that were translated so far?

Geckoey Lurker

Chris, Momoyo, Wanko, Mayuchii routes are translated, as well as the Hermit Crab and The Teacher's side-routes.


Oooh thanks, thought they already done with miyako route, so the latest one is Wanko huh.

Geckoey Lurker

Yes, as for Miyako... TakaJun has been ridiculously busy with his jobs.

Anyhoe, it's almost all done. A few side-routes, Miyako and the True Routes are all that is left, if I remember correctly.


You can play through Miyako's route for awhile before you get to the untranslated parts.  I'm actually looking forward to her route the most.  I'm also holding off playing the next one until this one is fully translated.  I can't say I enjoyed the anime series, but I really loved the game.  It's a shame the teacher doesn't have a full route, that would have been pimp.


So anyone have any info on the progress of the miyako route?