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Tea's Discussions

Started by Green_Tea, May 31, 2010, 11:06:57 AM

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Hmmm. Was BL2 any good? I've heard good things, so I might start saving monies for it. Replay value?


And in the matter of games, I tried FarCry 3 by suggestion of a friend, but my head was hurting like hell only after a couple of hours. They lasted for the entire day, which could be related to me not taking any medication in the past weeks. I will see if I can take care of that tomorrow

You're the same as me =(?!

I tend to get headaches akin to hangovers if I don't take my medication, so I mixed both of those problems and was knocked out for the entire day.

The first time that I suffered from this was when I played Doom. And it's funny that Skyrim, Left 4 Dead, Cawadoody and Prototype don't affect me, but I can't play Infamous or Half Life 2 for more than 10 minutes without getting sick.

I actually only get this in first person games, mostly shooters, the last one was Borderlands 2. On the other hand I can play Infamous 1&2 perfectly fine without any problems.
I noticed that I can normally evade any problems if the game allows me to change the FOV settings higher than normal.

I played a couple of hours of Borderlands 2 and didn't have any problems, but I was just testing it for my brother. The first one only affected me after three to four straight hours.

And I've read about FOV affecting motion sickness before but I've never noticed a difference. What kind of values usually work for you?


I've heard that FOV is recommended @ 100 for mmorpgs like TERA.


FOV wise I had to set it to 110 to be able to play Borderlands 2. After like ~2h playing ( I don't do longer gaming sessions) I can feel some slight  discomfort normally, so the game still affects me.

Another remedy I can recommend to try out, wich worked for me, is ginger. I desperatly wanted to play Deus Ex 3, seeing how I was a big fan of the second one, yet no configuration allowed me to bypass my heavy motion sickness with the game. Eating tons of dried ginger with sugar coating before and during gaming actually allowed me to finish the whole game, though I gotta admit I personally hate the taste of it and it's expensive as shit too, seeing how I gotta buy it in drugstores in Germany.


Ohhh I looooove sugared gingers.


Hmmm. Since we've last talked, I've started TERA actually. But anyway, main reason for coming here, is to ask, did anyone have a copy of that Tsukihime title font floating around? I had it at some point but it's lost to me right now.

Also, this site is getting old. In a good way of course. It's great that it's always here for me.

Geckoey Lurker

I started TERA with guildies whenever it is it went F2P.
First thing I saw once in-game was the general chat discussing Elin Honey in a very serious manner, it was really great.


Elin Honey? Although yeah the community in TERA isn't half bad. I'm on an NA server though so we have some....unwanted elements...

Geckoey Lurker

I guess you're better off not knowing, although I'm surprised no one mentioned it while you were playing just yet. Different server, maybe.
When I first started the people I met were really, and I mean really, obsessed with Elins but once you get past that barrier the community is pretty good.

I'm on NA as well, is there any issue? or are you just playing from Europe?


I'm on Lake of Tears. Just BR's in my instance matchmakings getting my crystals broke and shit. Biggest waste of time on SA, couldn't even kill the basilisk family.

Geckoey Lurker

I'm on Celestial Hills, I'm not much of a PVPer personally, I main as a healer anyway, and I tend to roleplay with guildies from time to time.
I haven't actually gotten past lv30 on any of my characters just yet, I know about the Sigil Adstringo dungeon, but what is 'BR'?


Brazilian. And I was incorrectly referring to AS. Ascension of Saravash? All those acronyms make me confused

Geckoey Lurker

Oh, that sentence makes much more sense now. I'm generally terrible in any sort of PVP in any games that aren't fighters, and last time I PVP'd in Tera I think I didn't manage to kill anyone at all, then again.. priest.
Yeah, that's correct, welp, that's well over my current levels for now. This is making me want to play Tera some more, guess I'll go do that.


I don't care for PVP, currently playing RO2 on the SEA server.


Nostalgia value? I had some friends who played. They all said it wasn't like the first RO so they quit en mass. Priests get pretty good later on. Still I'm only this leveled because of my friends pushing me. I usually would have given before level 20.

[EDIT] Why are they re-transing Cross Channel?