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Visual Novel translation status (updated on October 20th 2013)

Started by Mana, November 09, 2010, 10:57:11 PM

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Geckoey Lurker

I don't remember Aaeru having anything to do with the Tomoyo After's TL Project.. or she was using a different name? What did she do if anything?


Thanks for sharing. Really looking forward for that Tomoyo After

And im very curious to what Aroduc is translating this time

Geckoey Lurker

Tomoyo After will be delayed from its original release date (20th July) to an undetermined one due to coding issues with the dungeons/mini-games' gameplay. Read why here.
It shouldn't be more than a few days or 2 weeks at worst but that's only my own personal estimation so don't take my word on it plus that's implying everything goes smoothly after that.


A few weeks is a fine delay IMO. As long as it make the game more enjoyable :)

Anyone heard something new about Yandere translations?

Geckoey Lurker

I agree, we've already waited years for it, I'm sure most of us sure won't mind waiting even longer.

No news on my side, they're still trying to get in contact with the host I think.
If anyone wants to get status on things, thanks them or whatever for now, their IRC Channel is #wankotl on IRCHighWay.


There's lots of info in this update.  Sorry about being late.  I had some trouble with posting this time around.

Regarding Yandere Translations: their progess is at 50% for Miyako's route.  This is from their IRC.  So, the progress is about 5% a month.  Still, progress is progress, but I've kind of given up on the idea it'll be translated before Majikoi S is finished.  Also, Kiriha route patch for Fortune Arterial has been released.  And there's been some progress on 11 Eyes.  Yeah, lots of green text.  Oh, and the Yosuga no Sora translation team is asking for help in finishing up.  I know that nobody really cares about any of the other routes but Sora's, but there is some of Sora's route left to do too.
"What!? You found a girl that cute in a cemetary? You must be one hell of a necromancer!"
-- Raven


Better late than never :) Thanks for sharing once again

Well at least Majikoi is faster than Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na.. It has gained 1% editing within the past two months! Im pretty much a noob with most Internet stuff, but at least i thought editing were faster than the actual translation?


It usually depends on the translator's ability.  For example, editing a machine translation would take much longer than the actual translation itself.  The better the translator, the faster the editing.  In the case of Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na, the amount of editors might be mucking up the progress if the editors can't agree on some issues.
"What!? You found a girl that cute in a cemetary? You must be one hell of a necromancer!"
-- Raven


"What!? You found a girl that cute in a cemetary? You must be one hell of a necromancer!"
-- Raven


Another Miku game is going to be translated.  I figured Luka would get the next Supplement VN.
"What!? You found a girl that cute in a cemetary? You must be one hell of a necromancer!"
-- Raven


Thanks for sharing. Pretty nice progress on rance and majikoi s recently :)


Let's see...*puts Nostradamus hat on* Based on the current progress, we should see a Christmas release for Fortune Artierial.
"What!? You found a girl that cute in a cemetary? You must be one hell of a necromancer!"
-- Raven


Busy week with all the releases.  Scratch my last prediction though.  Shiro's route is already at 70%!?  That seems a little too fast.  I can only hope they're just really motivated and haven't switched to machine translation.
"What!? You found a girl that cute in a cemetary? You must be one hell of a necromancer!"
-- Raven


It's nice to see this much effort being put into the industry.

Geckoey Lurker

Fortune Arterial have two translators meaning that when Kiriha's route got finished its assigned translator hopped on Shiro's while the other one continued his work on Kanade's which would explain why its so quick, as far as I know I haven't seen any trace of a machine translation in the Common, Kiriha and Kanade's routes.. but if they did then they have an amazingly skilled editor, then again they do need one to keep a certain writing consistency between two translators. ... Still, at the current rate, a full patch could come way before December and that's-ah okay in my book. Also, they began translating the True Route already, which leave 2 more routes to do after (Erika and Haruna). I don't know why they are doing the True Route before those two though, any idea?
14th August, 2012.
Shiro route 70% complete. True route 5% complete.

Also, note that Rewrite have both Kotori AND Chihaya's routes finished for now, they are just starting on Lucia's.
20th August, 2012 @ 07:25 EST
Lucia Route
Scripts: 0.38/4 (9.5%)
Lines: 1240.32/8919 (13.91%)
KB: 69.88/504.78 (13.84%)

Nice to see the pace speeding-up for some projects either way, though school is now sadly restarting for some (or soon).
I'm curious what Aroduc is gonna throw at us this time too, not sure if he is nearly done or not too.. extra disk "#1" make me feel there is more.

22th August, 2012 @ 12:36 EST
Lucia Route
Scripts: 0.7/4 (17.6%)
Lines: 2297.86/8919 (25.76%)
KB: 129.47/504.78 (25.65%)

I always liked Ammy's Speed, well, no more editing for this.. for those interested just check up at their projects page occasionally.

EDIT 2 :
I have just realized that Edger decided to retire from the VN Scene, this is sad news as we lose a great member, on the bright side; he is getting married soon!
Anyhow, Sheeta took the translating flag for AIR, as for Yoake, the translation was already done so everything should be going as usual since all there is left todo is still mostly editing, I think.
Read more here.

1)    I plan to start once I finish editing Yoake, which shouldn't take longer than a month or two. I might start earlier than that though, depending on how I feel.
Speculations on Yoake's English Release ensues?
I remember Yoake having quite a number of editors in the past, did that change?