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[VN] Steins;Gate

Started by Ivan, September 16, 2011, 04:44:23 PM

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Geckoey Lurker

I actually have barely done any edits to the scripts at all. In fact, I have barely done anything since 1.0.

Well, I'll update with the november's scripts. Honestly, I wish I had gotten hold of those a lots more earlier, everything would've went much more smoothier with those.

Automated English Patch V.1_1----
Download Here.
(Changes : Scripts updated to the edited ones Blick posted in November)

Download V.1_2 instead, it's just a few posts below!

My bandwidth is getting really thight here, I might have to remove the movies for any updates between today to 7th February. o_e

(Also, it is V.1.0 that is on Vn.shourai on the moment, no any older. There is Antheon's comment linking to my V.0.5 one though)


I can just copy over the nss.npa file from v1.1 and it should work correctly, right? Since nothing else from v1.0 & v1.1 should be any different.

I'll give the game a relook tomorrow, to see if I can recreate the two skipped text segments.


Hey, Geckoey Lurker there is a problem with this new update, with this script the game doesn't start, it crash right at the start, the problem lies on the nss.npa, in order to play the game I had to use the old one.

Geckoey Lurker

.. That problem again?

I swear I fixed it in the old one. Will take a look.

@megs Yes, it should work in theory.
Only thing the script does in the first place is simple copy-paste stuff, and de/recompile cg.npa.


I compiled a version of nss.npa with November scripts and that doesn't crash on boot. Is there a place where I can upload it?

Otherwise you can still use the previous nss.npa to boot the game once. Afterwards you can use the other nss.npa and works fine. It basically crashes because it can't create config files properly.

Geckoey Lurker

The problem lies only in fresh installs. So yeah, what Fadeout said should work. I'll get that fixed. Fixed, and I just noticed, Clear list is back in Japanese ever since V.1.0, What the hell?

Kaisos Erranon

I get the feeling that everyone should just wait a while before trying to play the game, huh? >_>

Geckoey Lurker

You can play the game without any worry, actually. The V.1.0 work greatly, but I didn't check out the Clear List so I didn't notice it wasn't translated and the only thing that V.1.1 was gonna bring is better phrased dialogues and such. Once I get the clear list back in english, everything should be fine and back to normal.


I did what Fadeout said and now I'm running the game.

And I don't know what's your problem but I sill have the clearlist in english:

Geckoey Lurker

That was with V.1.0/V.1_1 ?
This is.. really weird. I tried with various nss.npa of all my patches, all fresh installs and deleting saves, it always remain in Japanese.

Maybe I'm just getting delusional, because I know they were translated ever since very first patch.

Fixed. I actually really was being delusional.


That was with the 1.1 version but doing what Fadeout told me.
I first ran the game with the nss.npa file from the patch 1.0 to avoid the crash on the boot and create the config files and then replaced it with the nss.npa from the patch 1.1.

TLDR: The screenshot was taken when I was running the patch 1.1

EDIT: glad you found out what was your problem   :)

Geckoey Lurker

Automated Patch V.1_2----
Download Here.
(Changes : Fix V.1_1's Boot Crash) and possibly V.1.0's JP Clearlist (No, really, I was being delusional!)

..Er, I forget to update README's changelog, meeh.

Anyway, continue to report bugs, and I'll see if I can do anything about it.


Been playing again with the latest 1.2 patch and on the 29th in chapter 1 right after he gets out of the pc and starts talking to Daru there is text that is untranslated. If I remember correctly on version 1.0 the same text appears in Japanese but under it there is a translation not found in 1.2.

Geckoey Lurker

Can you take a screenshot of it? Or at least the english translation, or even the Japanese text? This way I could track it down more easily.

I'll take a look at the scripts of chapter one.


Yesterday, forum was slow, so I couldn't register and I wrote an e-mail to you (about 14 hours ago). It has info about november script, including info about Daru's untranslated phrase. Apparently, you haven't got it. so here it is.
Apparently, you do have nss.npa of 7th November script, but you don't have original since it has been removed from Winkel's blog. So here's the link: I don't know why the name of archive is like this, it just changed to this at some moment. As said on BW's Blog file 01_08.txt has extra </FONT> tag in 56th line (the second one, and it causes crash when Okarin thinks about John Titor) and file 01_12.txt 「......<FONT incolor="#ff7080" outcolor="#000000">フラクタル構造</FONT>を思い出したよ」 instead of "...I just remembered < FONT incolor="#ff7080" outcolor="#000000">fractal structure< /FONT>." in 138th line. Also it has achievement bug (all scripts after 25th September has the same extra_achievements.scr, so you already know how to deal with it). This script has lot of revising work in prologue and first chapter and some minor updates on tips and other chapters.
Sorry for my poor English and good luck.