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[H-VN] Yume Miru Kusuri - A Drug That Makes You Dream

Started by Kureha, June 29, 2009, 01:19:03 PM

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actualy the president was my fav, i guess diffrent people like diffrent things, I just love how forward she was in general and didnt care what people though, i generally laughed at the scene when the sister walked in while they where both drunk, it had a kinda surreal comedy to it.... admitedly the whole hong kong trip felt a bit shark jumpy but otherwise an awsome route, really liked the ending.


yep , president was a real tease, and yeh that trip felt kinda random


She's a Mary Sue with problems.  I guess the randomness just got to me.


Sorry to not be with the current topic but on the little sister I'll bet (and kind of hope) they never intended to add her and just teased a route to troll people. It seems that not adding a little sister route has probably stirred more controversy than actually having one probably would have considering how many eroge have sister heroines  :P



Maybe they just ran out of time or budget... who knows =/ we'll never get the truth anyways D=


or any more games from them, apparently the producers of the game went bankrupt or something


or any more games from them, apparently the producers of the game went bankrupt or something

Shit. Well that's a loss. Still, I hear the scenario writer also did like Cross Channel and Kazoku Keikaku. Mang.


Didn't he do Kana Little Sister too? I don't know the dude's name so I'm just going on random shit I think I may have read once a long time ago from an unreliable source.



Yeah, that was the same guy, Romeo Tanaka.

Dang... that really sucks =/


This is great VN. At the begining I didn't expected much of it, especially any deepness. Maybe it was because of very colorfull artwork? I don't know but I was positively surprised. It's a shame that there isn't Aya's route and I don't think that rumors saying about it's removal are true. After all someone who know japanese would eventually find out and undoubtfully he would said about it.



Perhaps but even if it is truth I doubt that we will ever see translation.