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Tea's Discussions

Started by Green_Tea, May 31, 2010, 11:06:57 AM

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What? We're not?

....I wonder....


Doesn't that just mean even if we get detonated we can just rebuild the bomb elsewhere?


Seriously, Working! is a great anime.


Doesn't that just mean even if we get detonated we can just rebuild the bomb elsewhere?

No because I'ld run out of places to have free dynamic IP to URL services.


lol Kureha.

On the topic of my racism, why is it that teen boys on the net are so retarded? Is it because they're wannabe-amerikans? Or is it something else? What do you think, and what kind of insults can you think up?


It's a lot easier to evade responsibility for stupid shit you say on the internet than in real life, so I've found there's pretty much no point in trying to discuss anything on the internet with people you don't know unless it's like a really tightly/well moderated forum. Even if people aren't being jerks they rarely have anything substantial to say...not pointing fingers at this forum, probably because there's so few active posters, but more populated forums are more likely to suck than not.


Eh, moderately populated forums are probably the best, with high turnover of newcomers and a few regulars.

Meh, this is the best place since I was evicted from my last home due to changing rules and newcomer faggots.


Went to check on G-Maou

Work should be done within the year. Hoorah. Also read the recent official responses to the drama. I did pretty love the one comment that spat in defiance at these C&D shits being sent out. Meh, seems like I was over-reacting. Still nice to rant about it.


It's a lot easier to evade responsibility for stupid shit you say on the internet than in real life, so I've found there's pretty much no point in trying to discuss anything on the internet with people you don't know unless it's like a really tightly/well moderated forum. Even if people aren't being jerks they rarely have anything substantial to say...not pointing fingers at this forum, probably because there's so few active posters, but more populated forums are more likely to suck than not.

My sentiments exactly. That's why I only post on a whim, if i'm bored, to say thanks, need info or just want to vent. xD

It's also nice when some decent discussions actually come up too. Otherwise it's best just to lurk and interact as necessary. Real life you (mostly) don't get all the a**holes on the net acting like a**holes in real life b/c they'd get a beating.


It's a lot easier to evade responsibility for stupid shit you say on the internet than in real life, so I've found there's pretty much no point in trying to discuss anything on the internet with people you don't know unless it's like a really tightly/well moderated forum. Even if people aren't being jerks they rarely have anything substantial to say...not pointing fingers at this forum, probably because there's so few active posters, but more populated forums are more likely to suck than not.

My sentiments exactly. That's why I only post on a whim, if i'm bored, to say thanks, need info or just want to vent. xD

It's also nice when some decent discussions actually come up too. Otherwise it's best just to lurk and interact as necessary. Real life you (mostly) don't get all the a**holes on the net acting like a**holes in real life b/c they'd get a beating.

It's actually quite interesting over here; I don't get beaten up, but more I get avoided, looked down on and basically termed every insulting geek/nerd/wanker combo there is in existence. It's still pretty nice being alone.

...And then my upbringing gets the better of me and I be nice all over again. Bah.


I tend to RAGE as easily to real life assholes as on the internet... What can I say? I'm an easy prey for trolls. lol

Regarding G-Senjou, I'm waiting for that like a kid waiting for Santa. Please, don't fail me, G-Senjou translation team!


I tend to RAGE as easily to real life assholes as on the internet... What can I say? I'm an easy prey for trolls. lol

Regarding G-Senjou, I'm waiting for that like a kid waiting for Santa. Please, don't fail me, G-Senjou translation team!

Same. But I try not to waste me breath.

Usami Haru is currently my favourite heroine, been waiting soo long for g-senjou's translation to finish. In hindsight it only began last year, or was it this year? Anyway it feels too long xD


bah I want to read it too
I really wanna read ch. 4 now ;_;


You guys jumped the gun already? At least I have the patience to wait for their full translation.

Ahhh boy oh boy. The end of this year is shaping up to be the best yet.


Tea... you're not alone..

You just... talk to much.. LOLOL...
And thats usually the time that i tend to avoid you... Hahah.. No offense tho, joke in fact. Although partly true.
I mean.. Dude.. Look at your post count.. Even after the recent 'forum nuke' and you were swiped back to a 50, you still got back to 150 double time.. XD

But yeeeaaahh...

You're a racist bobtard with a sharp tongue... but i know deep down.. You're a good guy... XDDDD


Wait.. what are we talking about again?
Oh oh yeah.. Games.. end of the year.. good stuffs...

Ahh.. fark... I dont think i'll still be here by the end of the year...

Im gonna be drafted to the frikkin military.. well.. more like the firefighting school.. >_>
not really a choice tho... 'Serve the country once you're 21' kinda thing.. Sheeeet...
Thinking about it already gets me emo...
Need my VN fix NAO.


You guys jumped the gun already? At least I have the patience to wait for their full translation.

Ahhh boy oh boy. The end of this year is shaping up to be the best yet.

It's not like anything is spoiled playing the first 3 chapters anyway. All the routes except Haru's are garbage anyway. Ok I'm being a little harsh, maybe below average to average or maybe that's being too generous. It's subjective anyway i'll stick with garbage ;p.