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Tea's Discussions

Started by Green_Tea, May 31, 2010, 11:06:57 AM

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I'm just trying to remember how far I've gotten. [Spoiler] I got to the part where Kiritos' sister and him noticed they played together in that new MMO, might be already Part 4 ? I kinda quit when she launched her "betrayed love" rage.[/spoiler]
I agree with you, it is interesting to see how the ppl coped in an mmo where they can't wake up again act, but that totaly got lost once Kirito woke up and started the new MMO.

BTW wasn't there another game/ anime with the same theme ? .//Hack I think ?

GW2: Yeh, it's ok. But nowadays if you say a game is OK, it's already bad =P 


@laplacian lol spoilers outside of your spoilers. Well honestly as long as the emotions of the characters aren't conjured up out of thin air, and are believable I'm all for it. I mean his sister is only what? 15? and to lose an admired older brother to a yet unheard of international act of terrorism. And that he came back. Well, it's a work of fiction. Still, read to the end. It's so good.



Ooooo lots of pretty pictures. Doesn't have information on everything being translated though. But it looks like it's focus is on story centric / pure love games; games that wouldn't scare ppl away from this type of media (VNs/eroge).


Yeah it's a nice website to introduce things to a fresher


competitor? sister site?

As long as people aren't plain retarded about exposing the medium (hue hue their are this young girl and ya get da nailem hurr durr, or I GET TO LIVE THE DREAM OF BEING A TRUE NIPPONESE), it's always nice to see other people supporting it and spreading their love for it.


Back. And now to make a full post.

Dear colleagues,

I have a desktop. It makes me happy. I named her Taiga. I built it myself, very proud, first rig. Had to get monitor and full works.

What's anyone else been up to?

A week ago I latched onto Vanellope. She is adorable and I want more of her. The short before the main film was also very nice.

I was following Molester Man. Honestly, I get kind of disappointed when things end. Still it was nice synchronization by the scanlators.

Gamewise I've just been on LoL-NA lately playing premades. Now that the new screen/tower is up I'll move onto more intensive gaming. Any suggestions?

IRL is eating up my novel time. I'm still trying to finish Muv-Luv. I should probably rush that and just get onto alternative.

Anime-wise, I've been holding off until this rig came up. Last thing I watched would be SAO/Accel World. Got Another, haganai, Mawaru Penguindrum, Nichijou, Junrio, Papa, Tari tari. Will be looking into Ixion Saga DX and a few others. Probably KuroBaske.

Idiot that I am I'm re-reading Hajime no Ippo. Have tabs up for ATATATATATATATA and weeklies/monthlies.

Well. I'm hungry.


A new desktop, that's nice.

I've never named my computers, but my hard drive with all my loot is named "Mule" and the one where I had my previous Windows installations was "Shurelia" until recently. After renaming it to "Junk", it never bothered me anymore so it probably liked the name.

As for anime, I've been completely out of the loop. SAO doesn't attract me and I don't even know the other names that you mentioned. So much that I've only recently watched the first season of Index, Railgun and I'm currently watching the second season. Anon said that the novels were better, so I also started reading those and I'm currently on the third one.

And in the matter of games, I tried FarCry 3 by suggestion of a friend, but my head was hurting like hell only after a couple of hours. They lasted for the entire day, which could be related to me not taking any medication in the past weeks. I will see if I can take care of that tomorrow


Someone is working on translating Koit to Senkyo to Chocolate (here is some additional related content. 

I've been getting caught up on anime again, since I haven't really watched any in over a year.  Recently, I watched Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun, Tasogare Otome x Amnesia, Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate.  I'm in the process of watching Shinsekai Yori, and have several others in my backlog.  It seems recently was the era of "akward schoolgirls".


If people didn't buy most of that crap, it wouldn't be everywhere.


I name my computers, but don't name my drives.


I name everything. Now this being said,  I splurged on an IPS screen, since they were selling apple/dell rejects for half the price, and I have to say 2560x1440 is sweet sweet sweet. Only thing is, most of my anime collection is 720p and now that looks crap. Oh first world dilemmas.


That's a 27~30" screen right? I could barely get 23" to fit on my table.


yup 27". Well native 1080p doesn't look too bad, so I guess I chose a really good time to grab one. Not too early anyway.


And in the matter of games, I tried FarCry 3 by suggestion of a friend, but my head was hurting like hell only after a couple of hours. They lasted for the entire day, which could be related to me not taking any medication in the past weeks. I will see if I can take care of that tomorrow

You're the same as me =(?!