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[VN] Chaos;Head

Started by laplacian, August 26, 2009, 12:58:21 AM

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Chaos;HEAd Less_Headache version translation patch, entire package; (except game itself)
  (English patch, NoDVD, Underwear patch)


From RC2 (mod of RC1 made by ghost previously that I just came across), adds missing items.
And you can finally enable underwear mode for the lovely ladies in the settings^^..

-Unpack and merge/overwrite with the folders in game directory.
-Move system.npa to backup in game directory

Caution: Still testing.
Patch itself have been played to Ch. 2 with no encountered problems. Will play from beginning to ensure this modification does not cause any buggy behaviour.
(Had I known of this RC2 just a little earlier I would have applied the changes to the patch itself.
I might still do an updated version. But first I'll play the game through so I know for sure it's bug-free...)

Instructions are included, READ THEM.

--Try NOT to install the game in Program Files/Program Files (x86), Windows will otherwise most likely throw a serious fit when trying to run the patch (applies to RC1 too). Choose another location instead.
If you still have to,..
[spoiler]-If after failed attempt at running the patch normally (otherwise skip to next step) first uninstall the game completely and remove the folders. Then do a search for folder npa_backup in C:\Windows just in case the patch created it there instead (don't ask me why, seems to happen with RC1 too...) and remove if found.

--Install game

--In game directory, run underwear patch (CHLCS.EXE)

--In game directory, rename ChaosHead.exe to ChaosHead.exe.bk and move there the one in ChasHead NoDVD folder

The Hard way (mostly manually)

--In game directory, create folder npa_backup and move nss.npa and cg.npa  into it
--move crass folder to game directory

--From the dxp folder choose if you want the opening movies as subbed or clean, then rename the original ones in dx by adding .bk to end of filename and copy your preferred choice from dxp to dx and remove the Subbed or Clean from the names.
If you rather leave the originals, omit this step altogether

--Open the .bat(Less_Headache.bat) (choose Edit in context menu)
Put REM in front of EVERY line EXCEPT the first (@echo off) and these ones, write '"pause" (without quotes) in empty line afterwards (to be able to see if it failed or not) and save;
(note; Windows might disallow you to edit the .bat in those two locations so if needed edit it elsewhere..)
cd crass
.\crage.exe -p ..\npa_backup\nss.npa -o ..\ -O game=ChaosHead
.\crage.exe -p ..\npa_backup\cg.npa -o ..\ -O game=ChaosHead
cd ..

...And run the .bat in game directory

--If previous step not successful, give up or try disabling UAC... Or copy backup.npa and the modified .bat elsewhere, run the bat, and move the resulting folders (cg and nss) and npa_backup back to game directory.

--Rename cgp and nssp to cg and nss and merge them with the folders in game directory (overwrite when prompted)

The easy way (for the lazy)

--Move entire game directory elsewhere
--Run .bat
--Move directory back


--Opening movies shouldn't cause any more trouble whatever or how new codec pack you use (if they still do, your system's basic playback is likely royally screwed up...)
Instead of a softsubbed or hardsubbed version as in the RC1 patch, choice is now either between subbed or cleaned versions(xvid), or leaving the originals(mpeg, not crash-proofed).
Quality-wise the xvids are transparent to the original mpegs, this does unfortunately add somewhat to the patch size..

--No 'trick question´included in this version when running the .bat

--The cg add-on Chaos; is not included/incorporated into the patch. Why? => Answer; The files are EXACTLY the same as the ones in RC1 which this is based upon. WinMerge confirmed they are the same, bit for bit...

Underwear patch standalone;

Legacy TLWiki RC1 patch, which Less_Headache is based upon


Can someone give a try to Blanchimont's patch? I've never played Chaos;Head so I wouldn't be able to discern the differences between one version and the other.


Translation is exactly the same as in RC1.
This version is a mod on it,  intended to solve several issues (those noted in the post) when installing the patch, especially in Vista/Win7.

MegaUpload throws a few too many 'File not available at the moment, try later' (translation from Finnish) so here's a torrent for Less_Headache;

Edit; Had to correct a line in the .bat concerning the choice of the original movies. So torrent switched and MU links for the package and patch removed from above  post until I've uploaded them again.

If you already downloaded the parts/patch, open the .bat (right-click and choose 'Edit´) and move two lines from :createandmove to below paragraph(:movies), so it looks like this (the middle ones),
if %subs%==O goto :extractfiles
   if %subs%==o goto :extractfiles

   move .\dx\mvOP.ngs .\dx\mvOP.ngs.bk
   move .\dx\mvINTER01.ngs .\dx\mvINTER01.ngs.bk

   if %subs%==S goto :subbedversion
   if %subs%==s goto :subbedversion
Otherwise, if you choose to leave the originals, the uncorrected .bat will rename them without replacement, and they won't play. Moving the two lines will prevent the .bat from touching their names.

Sorry for not noticing that earlier...

Sorry for not noticing a RC2 released earlier (also unofficial mod of RC1). Post updated above how to add the missing items.


Blanchimont, i have installed following your method. Including the underwear patch and missingitems(RC2).
Seems to work fine. I have played all the way to ending A and AA. Haven't tried B yet.
Underwear option seems to work also, but i only try it a bit, play mostly with that disabled.

While writing this and rereading your posts, i notice i miss this step (for installing "missingitems"):
---Move system.npa to backup in game directory
What does that do? Is it important?


Blanchimont, i have installed following your method. Including the underwear patch and missingitems(RC2).
Seems to work fine. I have played all the way to ending A and AA. Haven't tried B yet.
Underwear option seems to work also, but i only try it a bit, play mostly with that disabled.

While writing this and rereading your posts, i notice i miss this step (for installing "missingitems"):
---Move system.npa to backup in game directory
What does that do? Is it important?
It might not be needed, the RC1 didn't extract the system.npa, only cg.npa and nss.npa (using crass tools)
But the RC2 by ghost did, and because it differs from the original, I included it in the' missing items' just in case (mediafire link above post).
However to make game prefer the extracted system.ini, you have to move the original system.npa into npa_backup or elsewhere.

This can be done even after everything else, so if you extracted 'missingitems'  to game folder, just move system.npa to backup_npa
(I've moved the folders and .npas back and worth trying to track down the ch.7 issue (loading save from that chapter crashes the game) without any issues. Though no luck on either that approach, nor on comparing the original .nss files(extracted by crass) and the patched ones to find the cause (assuming crass extracts them correctly..) (... A bit hard to do if you don't have any knowledge of the code used, or of any code for that matter (for patch I used google to figure out the commands for the .bat..). I doubt I'm even looking at the right place to begin with...)

I'll update the above post soon, once I'm through the game a few times. The new .bat(actually ready, just haven't had time to test it) will include the missing items, as well as the system.ini when extracted to game folder and run.
It also includes full uninstall options for the patch (as with the previous patches) (noDVD and underwear patch exe omitted when chosen so those remain.) so it will default to game initial settings with the .npas in the game folder etc automatically.
Includes also default warning about issues installing in Program Files/Program Files (x86) (can be circumvented by moving entire game folder elsewhere, applying patch(es), moving game folder back..).


PM me about that so that I can update the first post.


So i have been playing with the default system.npa, instead of the system.ini that come with RC2? Does that mean my RC2 is not complete? Whatever that mean.
Anyway, i am going for the ending B now. I will play with the system.npa removed this time.

I am using the walkthrough from gamefaqs. And in there it mention chapter 7 bug, and the bad ending bug. I can confirm that i get both of those. Both are quite harmless. So no big deal.
But i didn't get the third bug (tips in extra menu causing game freeze). Looks like that one is fixed.

I also notice that in a few place, the text is too long and go outside the screen. But if you go to backlog, you can read the full text.

For anyone wondering if this game is worth playing, I highly recommend this. Good game. Great atmosphere. Very intense. Some part is even quite scary (first time i feel that in VN). I haven't watch the anime, and don't know anything about the story when i start the game. So unspoiled. That probably help to enjoy the game.



crc B3102F75
sha1 D386C457772FCA1F7165E50C7805FB326B532723

-RC2 exclusive elements are now incorporated into the patch
-Uninstall options included
-Underwear patch can now be run from main patch (optional choice). Or separately. No longer needs serial.

It has worked as far I´ve tested it, but if there are issues/something I forgot/there is a better way to do something, let me know...


Hi, I've been able to make Chaos;Head work in English using ghost's RC2 patch, which can be found around the net, but that was after I wasn't able to get your LessHeadache patch working. The latest version of WinRAR wouldn't extract either the v2 or v3 versions of it without errors, presumably due to the corrupted looking originally Japanese characters in many of the filenames. I used a different zip program to avoid the extraction errors. When I installed the patch and ran the cracked EXE, the window title said I was running the English RC2 version but all the text except in the subtitled movies came up in Japanese. I'm running the game in Japanese locale so I think the corrupted filenames in the archive are probably the problem somehow.


Hi, I've been able to make Chaos;Head work in English using ghost's RC2 patch, which can be found around the net, but that was after I wasn't able to get your LessHeadache patch working. The latest version of WinRAR wouldn't extract either the v2 or v3 versions of it without errors, presumably due to the corrupted looking originally Japanese characters in many of the filenames. I used a different zip program to avoid the extraction errors. When I installed the patch and ran the cracked EXE, the window title said I was running the English RC2 version but all the text except in the subtitled movies came up in Japanese. I'm running the game in Japanese locale so I think the corrupted filenames in the archive are probably the problem somehow.
I think its WinRAR itself which has compatibility issues, I used the latest 7-Zip to create, and extract the archive when testing it, and the game run fine afterwards...

If the dialog/text in CH wasn't translated, it means the patcher didn't find the files necessary to replace the original ones, meaning they weren't extracted, or extracted wrong, in the first place. Or it could be a permission issue, especially if you tried to install in Program Files/Program Files (x86) (not recommended).

The patch has been superseeded by the out-of-the-box version, though only torrent so far.


Okay, problem solved. I used 7-Zip before but I didn't run 7-Zip itself in Japanese locale. I'm using AppLocale you see. I would have thought 7-Zip could handle the filenames regardless of locale but guess not. Running it in Japanese locale when extracting makes the Japanese characters in the filenames display properly, which makes the patch work, once I replace the original exe with the no DVD one.

Your out of the box torrented version works perfectly too, just torrents are slower. You've done great work on this patch. It was probably a nightmare to make.



I've attempted to use both the RC2 and Blanchimont's out of the box LessHeadaches patch from the torrent at the top of this page, but it seems that crage.exe crashes while creating the patched cg.npa (with a "crage.exe has stopped working" Windows error). The patch continues and acts like it patched successfully, but the game then runs without any graphics as crass never replaced the cg.npa. I'm on Windows 7 64bit, and I followed the installation guide readme exactly.

So far, I've attempted to install both in and out of Program Files and even disabled UAC, thinking that might be the root cause, but the problem persists, so any thoughts on the cause or a possible remedy would be helpful.

EDIT: I managed to circumvent the problem by moving my install directory over to an old XP machine, patching there, and moving the patched files back. Although that doesn't fix the crash issue with Windows 7, I'm good to go now. Thanks for the patch.

Akai Shuichi

I'm trying to make the patch work, and while it is mostly fine, there is one little problem.

I had no problems installing Blanchi's patch and the game executed perfectly. The game began with Takumi talking and everything was finely translated... until Rimi appears. When Rimi appears and it goes into "movie mode", everything works, but in japanese. After the scene with Rimi ends, and the game really starts, the text goes back to english.

I believe is safe to assume that the problem is with the movies, and it should also be safe to assume it will keep happening with future movies in the game.

How can I solve this?

Thanks in advance for reading!


Do you have plan for move patch to nipa2 tool instead of Crass?

Oh, and LessHeadache v3 links dead.


If anyone is still reading this and had finished the game before please reply asap. I'm confused about some cg in the game. I found 2 cg in the library that I unlocked but I've never seen them while playing the game and I replayed just to make sure I didn't missed it too.