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About Jast...

Started by Sundae, February 02, 2011, 07:19:39 PM

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Not only the Togainu no Chi  (for those who didn't get it), but the other groups translating yaoi titles said that none of them has been contacted by JAST, so, like Anon said, it's most likely an otome game.

EDIT: Well, they confirmed that it's Starry Sky.


sounds like jast is trying to get starry sky series


SS? Man, that's sort of a letdown. I was expecting them to do something like Lucky Dog 1...BL has a bigger market, doesn't it?

Ah whatever, I know I'll end up buying the SS games anyway...


 jast has tried yaoi by guess is they bombed hard
or at least didn't do well enough
i personally would rather have an otome game with h content than a yaoi game


JAST's BL games were too niche-oriented to really get a good audience...I for one loved them, but they're definitely not for everyone. Gakuen Heaven would've been a better choice IMO.

They could've at least grabbed one of Sugar Beans' otome games...the protagonists in those are moe enough to attract male customers too. ;;


Just out of curiosity, is there even a viable market for Otome/ Yaoi games ? If you follow mangagamer's blog, even normal VNs are selling worse than the japanese companies hoped for. So it's hard for me to imagine that a product aimed at a fraction of the VN buyers would be successfull.


And then you look at JAST and Demonbane sold more than MG's entire catalog. It's a combinations of problems: marketing (every weeaboo knows J-List while barely anyone outside a small circle know MG), selling mostly digital copies (it's already discussed that VN fans are mostly collectors and buying air doesn't attract most of them) and the limited paying methods.


It must be more to do with the lack of methods to buy MG's products (credit only) and lack of hard copies that makes it difficult. Being digital only is what hurts them most. They are getting out there and marketing, i'm curious why most weeaboos aren't aware they exist, probably comes to not having hard copies for all their games again.

Looking forward to Fate/Extra from aksys. Everything else was as expected so far.


J-List have been around for long and any site with a decent number of viewers with anything Japanese related in terms of content has their banners while I haven't seen MG banners for more than a year. They are more known through word of mouth and their interviews than anything else.

Regarding the lack of physical copies and the payment methods, this was on their Twitter:

Si we've gone through yesterday's box of #dacapo2 and another box already 0.o that's 5 boxes? 130 copies? Glad we brought more for today...

This happened in 24 hours and it wasn't the only thing that sold out on their stand.


the funny part is jlist is selling mangagamer's hardcopies


Hm ok, I guess the non existant hardcopies are the main factor. The games alone aint even that expensive anymore, but atm it's more like you "donate" money to em, so they can bring over more stuff, than actually buying any games.


J-List is a business and Peter Payne isn't dumb, he knows that there is a profit in dealing with them.


Wait Fate/Extra is getting a translation? Fuck. Yes. Gonna buy that so hard.


yes it will be
there is 2 of each servant but rider and assassin and and extra servant called saver
male and female protagonists
10 masters 
saber is either nero or Gawain
archer is either a nameless mage or robin hood
caster is either a nine tailed fox or two twin lolis
lancer is either the lancer from fate stay night Cú Chulainn or Vlad Dracula
rider is Francis drake
assassin is Bājíquán
berserker is either ryufu/ Lü Bu or Arcueid Brunestud of tsukihime
saver is Buddha


I'd been reading about it on the Type Moon wiki...if it's like Persona with Servants...oh god. Even if it doesn't have the dating sim aspect.