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Hi Aizen good evening. Sorry for the bother but I am getting a "The file you are trying to download is no longer available" for Volume 1 of this Light novel from Mega.
Link Reset. Removed Cuty. Replaced: (Ouo --> Linkvertise)
In the 2 most recent reports, the cuty redirects kureha to linkvertise and then to google drive...
Didn't try to auto download any exe, tested on Edge with Origin.
Hello, thank you for replying, rather than good translations,I just want a readable translations that make me understand, some translations using g00gle like MTL is good but the translations is quiet off for me, example ;the  use of incorrect pronouns on both gender, while it's common , it didn't do thing to me especially when the part of explanations comes up:(

I saw the one on NU, I think I will try this translator and read on their site whenever I got time.

Once again thank you for replying ☺️
All the uploaders here use cuty io this made me hesitate to download any novels here again, especially this news about auto download shit.
Is it safe to download the uploaded new novels here? Any solutions?
@Ozmadeus99 - Not all the uploaders use Cuty. Just checked one of traitorAIZEN's most recent uploads and navigated to the files and there were no Cuty links involved. Think it's mainly, or maybe only Animestuff who uses Cuty.

I wouldn't use Cuty links myself, just not worth the risk. But the last ones I checked you can get to the novel file if you are very careful, know exactly what you are doing, AND what Cuty are doing in terms of trying to confuse and mislead you with their pop-ups and tab switching. As their script intentionally switches your browser tab to the newly popped-up tab, and that tab will then have a link to MediaFire or Mega etc to intentionally trick you into thinking it directs to the download page for the novel, but it's not. And that is the malicious file Kureha nd KiRA are talking about.

But there's anothor malicious file as well which I mention above, and which automatically downloads to your downloads folder while you're navigating. So you need to keep your downloads folder open and constantly check it for any new exe files being downloaded. They seem to be named OperaInstall.exe or ChromeIntall.exe and the like to trick you into thinking they're legit browser installation files. As like I wrote above, I couldn't find any way of stopping this from happening. You might be able to do something in your browser security settings that prevents all file downloads, and then once you reach the actual file, bookmark the page and then re-enable file downloading. But it's still just another pain in the ass, and even as someone very experienced in navigating ad sites, I felt on edge about the risk of the navigation managing to somehow trigger the launch of one of those .exe it was downloading.

In my experience, once an ad site goes down the malicious file route like Cuty has, they only ever get worse, so the risk of using Cuty links today might be far greater than it was yesterday. Like I said, I just don't think it's worth the risk. They're probably close to going out of buisness to have gone down this route, as no ad site that does this lasts for very long.
Thanks, Sir Animestuff. There's been problem with cuty io links lately. Here if anyone curious, read this first before you download from cuty io links
Added VOLUME 2

Added VOLUME 4

