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[VN] Steins;Gate

Started by Ivan, September 16, 2011, 04:44:23 PM

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Hey Guys, I'm here again! Just dropping by to say that I DID it! With countless trials-and-errors, experimenting, and ultimately, reinstalling Windows 7. Steins:Gate is working on my Macbook Pro now! Who~hooo!!!
Though, I still have this trivial concern... Take a look at this:

If you have noticed, the supposed dark areas were looked like pixelated/blanching, as if its a byproduct of a low quality rendering.
I installed windows 7 codecs (latest) and CCCP and still the video showed the same pixeling/blanching.
Is this normal? Were the videos low quality in the first place? or whatever i missed? Can anybody help me again?

btw, thx to HurpDurp & Geckoey Lurker, u guys are lifesavers!
"...So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works!"


3 line script adjustment:
that very unnaturally referenced internet meme was just stupid. I think my suggestion cleans the whole mess up nicely.

Your suggestion doesnt really clean up anything because it looks fine the way it is

Geckoey Lurker

@NanayaEmiya, Happy to know you got it to work.. and you went as far as reinstalling Windows 7 for it.. ? I gotta give props to your determination to play it. =')

For the videos, it is normal. The original videos have the same quality if I remember right.

@Blanchimont, megs, HurpDurp and Gelus.
Thanks for the help guys, my english knowledge is far from top notch myself especially for idioms & grammar.

As for the @chan thing, I think it would be better to leave it as it is.. changing or removing it would kinda be removing a part of Kurisu, and it's more than befitting in my opinion.

Still trying to find a way for that linebreaking bug though, no success so far. Also, I'm gonna be a bit busier for a few days, gotta deal with a few things irl. Will be working on the patch when I have the free time.


@Geckoey Lurker, PC OS are disposable when the are being run by a virtual machine, so reinstalling a Windows 7 inside a Mac is quicker than traditional ones.  :D
So, ergh, the vids are like that in the first place eh? Fine by me!
Now that this baby is working like a charm after all!

Anyways, I'll start playing it when i get hold of my precious free time!
I'll also try to give you the typos/bugs prntscrn shots when i run into them.
Also, just a curious kwestion here: when will you release the 1.4 patch?
"...So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works!"

Geckoey Lurker

So far, there is no exact need for a 1_4. If everything continue to progress as smoothly, the next release might even be the final one.
I can't really give an ETA either, if anything, you'll just randomly visit the forum and you'll see a link to it. Sooner or later, I cannot say.

But you never know, if someone encounter any crucial bug/crash I'll have to look into it. For now, I don't intend to release a 1_4 just for typos and grammatical fixes.. unless people really want me to.

As for progress, almost everything is done, all there is left is still editing some images, typos/grammars, figure out a way to counter the earlier linebreaking bug and finally, find out why the Tips Pop-up won't show up in English even after translation. (I didn't get replies on the last one though, so it might be just me being delusional still)


Steins:Gate is working on my Macbook Pro now!
Is this normal? Were the videos low quality in the first place? or whatever i missed? Can anybody help me again?
Oh. You should've mentioned you are using a virtual machine. Virtual machines can only use the emulated crap-tier GPU it creates when it first installs the VM (it cannot access your installed GPU, regardless of how powerful it is), as such video games of any kind cannot be played in them.

The only solution is to not use a VM. In other words, you need to go buy a Windows computer with a decent video card.

You're lucky the game even starts at all, to be honest. Because it shouldn't be able to! Don't be surprised if you wake up and it stops working or you try a different game (like ChäoS;HEAd) and it doesn't start!

Oh, and, I'm having the tips pop up in Japanese as well, Geckoey Lurker (except for the word that triggers the tip to show in the first place).


@Geckoey Lurker, Wow, even though steins gate is already translated, its not yet at the same time...
have you tried how the Steins;Gate iOS english patch works? coz on theirs, when you unlock a tip, some of them are in english, some are not when they pop out. If we could just take a peek how they did it. Oh well, got to endure the wait and extend my patience to the extreme.

Looking forward to your finnesse work!
"...So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works!"

Geckoey Lurker

Alright, thanks for denying my delusion, good to know, and that is right, only the word triggering it is translated as well.

For the curious ones that wanna know what it says :

Tips keyword added.
『TIP'S TITLE』has been added to Tips.
Nothing extravagant really.

Yeah, I don't intend on delivering out an halfassed patch so I might as well try to make it better.. though the community is doing most of the work at the moment. :P
And yes, I am looking into the iOS Version as well. So far, not much help though, but hey you never know.

I wouldn't want anyone to have high expectations though, this is still the very first VN project I touch.. only had to happens that 99% of it was translated in an amazing way and that most tools were left behind. In fact, if anyone wanted they could begin to work on making the exact same patch right away.


@HurpDurp, so its bad for mac(book pro) that uses VM(Fusion) to play VN(Steins;Gate) huh? can you tell me an alternative (other than buying a pc) with my current computer, mac? How about using bootcamp? Whatdoyathink? or is it totally a No-no for mac in this case?
"...So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works!"


Bootcamp should work. Unless somehow your GPU (or another component of your Mac) is completely incompatible with Windows.

Found a typo:

Happens right at the very beginning after Mayuri and Okarin enter the building to start walking up the stairs to go to the conference.


As for your suggestion, how it is unnatural? They're all from @chan (a fictional message board based off 2chan - which 4chan is based off of), so randomly using Internet memes isn't something that should be unexpected (as I mentioned previously). Also, changing the fact that she's an @channer would destroy other references to it (there are a lot of mentions of @chan too). The anime had a running gag that she makes references to @chan all the time and then denies that she visits the website at all, but eventually says her nickname/tripcode when Okabe mentions his. I'm not sure if it's the same way in the novel (as I haven't gotten that far, I just started), but I assume it is.

In case you don't know, Okabe first "meets" John Titor on @chan.

As far as I can tell, this title was actually aimed at users from 2chan in Japan. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiche.

This is just my 2-cents on it however and I could very well be wrong.

LOL I know that @chan is a reference to futaba. And I very much doubt a 4chan Team Fortress meme has anything to do with 2ch. It's been long established that Japanese & 'violent' FPS titles don't mix. So with no logical reference, the meme would not likely exist.

Anyway, it's not the meme itself which makes it incredibly stupid. It's that she says the full name of a file, with it's extension. It's very forced. Yeah, OK, an someone with actual experience behind a computer is going to screw that up. Nope.avi

That said, I've watched all 24eps of the tv series and I get she's an @channer. But a broken joke is still a broken joke.

Also I can prove the meme did not even exist at the time Steins;Gate was released. Meaning there's no way in hell the game ever referenced it.;Gate - release date - Xbox 360 - JP October 15, 2009 - "Nope.avi" was originally created and uploaded by YouTuber Jimbomcb[1] on January 11th, 2010

Geckoey Lurker

Well, thanks for the research, megs.
That said, I don't find the suggestion you gave for it that fitting.. then again, I am not really a @channer myself so maybe that have something to do with it?

You guys obviously have much more experience than I do in this, all I can do is ask for help on that point.. which is the only thing I've been doing for days now.

On a side note, here is what Kurisu is saying at that moment in JP :
「だが断る」//But I refuse.

Well, I guess it is fitting after all.

/ I can understand translating it properly to "But I refuse.", but that remove its @chan's charm thing and as for "I reuse" is it another idiom or a @chan word I am unaware of? And I don't see how it is linked to being an American thing though it is simply Okabe guessing.


I was only able to tell what she said from her audibly spoken line, as I cannot read Japanese. Which is why I listed what was said and came up with a suggestion that would localize what she said without it sounding retarded. There's just not a lot that can be done with it, in it's original form. And that's obviously why they jammed that TF meme in there.

The funny thing is that it's highly unlikely she could really be a 2channer because she's lived in America for 7 years and 2ch does not allow proxy/foreign IP ranges to post. It's locked in a read only state. So prior to her return to Japan, the only experience she could have with 2ch would be through lurking. I guess the guys at Nitro+ were ignorant of this. I however am not. It really sucks when the only people who could answer your question cannot hear you because the best site to ask effectively muted your voice. :'(

EDIT: Also I picked the American part as a suitable replacement because Okabe & some around her do forget she is still a Japanese nationalist [I assume]. Thou she has lived abroad for an extended period. Coming up with something that saves Okabe's @chan reference, while reeking of chanspeak and it not sounding stupid is beyond my abilities.

Refuse and reuse sound similar. So as it's read, it's meant to sound like she had a slip of the tongue. And Okabe in turn thinks it could be because she's not used Japanese for so long. Or at least that was what I was aiming for with the third line. But I think coming up with that around 2am was too much for me. Someone else could probably come up with something to save the last line using my idea.

Geckoey Lurker

Finally found out why the line was breaking, more than one space in the line do it. I do not know why they coded it that way, but it's most likely a bug ence there isn't really spaces in Japanese in the first place.

Will either have to dispose of a word like "homeow" or link hemeow and master together.
(Welcome, master♪) / (Welcome homeow~Master♪)

I can't really do anything about how the code in itself is interpreted sadly.  :-\

As for the @chan thingie, I'm pretty sure one of us will be able to come up with something eventually. Any idea of something that would sounds like "But I refuse" / "Nope.avi" that come from 2chan? Or was just heavily used around that time? Expert's Advice Required! In the worst case, it can be kept as it is, but after reading the facts it would feel wrong for me to do so.


It's have to be the second one then, the first one doesn't clarify the home part ("welcome, master?" welcome where? to the world of dreams? XD)