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[VN] Steins;Gate

Started by Ivan, September 16, 2011, 04:44:23 PM

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Geckoey Lurker

I only had the time to play through the other translation I had, without ever encountering it, only time I saw them was when I played it in Japanese.. Odd.

Or I just have an incredibly bad memory, woah. I'm gonna play through once more, and take notes of them. I need to take notice of the details, wouldn't want a rough patch that ruins a few things. I'm also gonna go through the TL's blog.

Kaisos, your presence is being more than useful. x)

(Not sure why you deleted your post though)

Edit : Now that I think about it, I do remember some of them. Nonetheless, we shouldn't need to touch/use them unless we have to translate anything.

Edit : I found the achievements and tips titles, beginning testing and translation for them. They're in their respectives .scr, It's a wonder how I didn't look there first. Nevermind, they do not seems to directly link to what shows in-game. Still searching.

I looked through the tips and achievements' scripts and apparently. THEY ARE TRANSLATED. But for some reason it still shows up in Japanese in-game, gonna have to look out for this.


Thanks for all the hard work on making a patch. I wish you luck on getting it fixed and working. Beats waiting another three years for JAST to release their official version.

Geckoey Lurker

Sadly tackling a wall here. And as I do not know the programming language the scripts use, I cannot even try anything, Google didn't help either. I'm pretty sure it ain't Ruby either.

Almost everything is done, all there is left to do are getting the translated Tips and Achievements to actually show in-game, the scripts are all translated, but the only thing it changed in-game is the "Unlock to find out" when an achievement wasn't achieved yet and the Tips's information. I still have to play through the whole thing to see if there is any bugs, but so far, only one crash which havn't happened again yet.

Does this code look familiar to anyone ? : (18 first lines of extra_achievements.scr)
LABEL chapter.main
LABEL include.nss/function_steinsgate.nss
CALL 94 1
<00> chapter.main

CALL c8 0

CALL d0 2
<01> true

CALL b0 1
<00> $SYSTEM_menu_achievements_enable

CALL 8e 0

CALL d1 1
<00> $GameStart



I looked through the tips and achievements' scripts and apparently. THEY ARE TRANSLATED. But for some reason it still shows up in Japanese in-game, gonna have to look out for this.
If the saves are as for C;H, that's not surprising if what you do is load a save and try to read the Tips...
For some reason, when experimenting with C;H, noticed that if you play and save, with a patched nss folder, replace it with the original nss.npa, and load an earlier save, the already read dialog and Tips are still translated. It seems strange. But it would explain why the saves are so large...

Edit; I know even less about coding, but the word 'achievements' appears 38 times in 11 files, in the  untranslated 1.20 nss folder, 39 times in 12 files in the other. According to GrepWin. <= often a useful tool, will scan entire folders and drives for textfiles and give a list of whatever you searched for, which file and line it appeared on, contents of that line... Unfortunately it doesn't work with Japanese characters...

Geckoey Lurker

Apparently, It was a good thing I only input the Tips files in the V.0.5, I've been doing a few tests, and I hit a spot where (Thanks to you telling about saves) I uninstalled the game completely, whipped the save data, reinstalled and then tried to patch with nss.npa including the translated achievements and the moment I either Start a Game, a runtime error show up and the game crash when I access the Achievements.

Reverting to V.0.5's nss.npa fixed it, and everything work again. Then I played a bit, saved, and redid the same steps as above, same things happens.

The only difference was that the one that make the crash is the translated achievements in it, I'm at a lose, earlier I could at the very least get "Unlock to find out" bit, now I can't at all. I'll try translating the japanese .npa at hand helping myself with the translated one.

Edit : And also, Notepad++ can search a word in every files open, and it does it just fine all while being able to be on the look out while comparing stuff. Neat.

Also, implying that search didn't include dialogues scripts, then maybe that extra "achievement" might be the cause.. Will look.

Edit : I did a mass search of "シュタインズゲートの選択" (It's the very first achievement -> Steins;Gate's Choice, get by starting a new game for the first time) in every files of the nss in all .scr, .txt, .map and .nba formats. It only show up in extra_achievements ones. I am now honestly at a complete lose. I hand-translated from the translated one, and there is no change, only the "Unlock to find out" bit stay there again, so I doubt syntax have anything to do with it. I'm beginning to wonder if there isn't something in the executable that does this. At least, this time, there is no crashes whatsoever with the newly translated one.

I honestly feel like crying. After working on this since this morning, finally managed to get it to work (Even though it ended up being really simple), Blanchimont, you were utterly right, it seems the saves kept everything in Japanese for whatever reason. Anyway, I gotta finish a few touches, test the game throughfully, and then if (I hope) nothing goes wrong, get to upload it. Game is now 99% translated. There is a few images left to translate and edit, but the dialogues pretty much say what they mean.

Note to everyone : You're gonna have to dump your saves. I know, this is pretty bad for those of you who have a lots of saves. BUT FIRST.
Consider if it is worth it, Tips will be translated overall ANYWAY, just not their titles (though there is over 150 of them), and the achievements in general I could type them down here (in their order).

If nothing goes wrong, or at least not too "wrong", New Patch in less than 24 hours.


My happiness has increased in proportion to the number of hours that have passed towards the release.

Blanchimont (Update 2/12)

..Seems them's out. That pretty much leaves us, and the ones who are working with the iOS version. :(

Good to know you're having success :)

Geckoey Lurker

Couldn't have done it without you and even less start it, I would've missed a lots of details by myself, and Kaisos really made the whole thing take a huge leap forward. Huge thanks to you both.

And thanks invictus, always good to know I'm not doing this for nothing. =)


Perhaps you saw it already if you read the above link, but here's mewtube's post reproduced;
mewtube says:
January 21, 2012 at 12:53 pm

Since this project is basically dead here is the patch I made with the nov7 scripts with tips translated. Download here. Get it while its hot before this site shuts down. extract everything to the game directory and overwrite any files. I also included the system image edits and a batch file to automate the process. You must have your system local set to Japanese before running the cgedit.bat or else the game will crash. run STEINSGATE-patched.exe to play.

This is from the first edit and notice some typos but its better than the unedited sep25 one floating around the web. I manage to complete all the endings and achievements with this. Unfortunately you have to start all over if you have saves from a previous patch. Each new created patch breaks saves from the previous ones. You can still load old saves but the game will be unstable and can possibly crash on you. Just press ctrl to quickly skip text so you can fast forward to your current progress.
If you have previous saves, the saves are contain here in windows 7 and delete everything:

As for windows xp I am not sure but its probably somewhere in "Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\" folder.

The game script and dialog, phone, options, tips definition are translated.
Some of the extras list, tips glossary, and achievements are untranslated. I guess you will have to wait 2-3 years for those from JAST. Well enjoy.
Might have some stuff we could use?

Geckoey Lurker

Will take a look at it.

For now, I havn't encountered any problems at all, and saves doesn't get corrupted here though.
Only real thing that is left to fix is the black bars at loading, and even so.. they don't do much.

Edit : Next Update might not come until tomorrow after all, I'm having connection issues and I might have a black out for the whole day. Sorry !


Took a look at it.

CGs included are exactly the same as in your v05 patch, extracted and compared every folder with WinMerge.
(Incidentally, there's a lone thumbs.db in cg/sys/phone, in both of them? Don't think it will do much harm in the folder, not so sure when compiled into the .npa along the rest...)

Exe, also identical to the one in the v05 patch

The nss.npa, on the other hand...
Comparison with v05; (done with WinMerge)
-Different 177 (0_boot.nsb, 6 extra-files, the rest the dialog-files(sgxx_xx))
-Identical 235
-Unique Items 2 ( and 0_boot________.nsb only in SG_11-7-11, not present in v05)

He did claim he achieved 100% of both Achievements and Tips, so might be worth digging into until all issues are solved...

Also a quick comparison between v1.20 and v05;
Differing files except for 4

...v1.20 and  SG_11-7-11
Differing files except for 4 (+ the 2 unique boot-files for the latter)

Question. Are the two boot-files created by mewtube? Or something the nipa2 couldn't extract? Wish we could peak into the .npa...)

Summary so far, of workable material...
-nss.npa 1.20 untranslated I'll have a check if I can find whatever's in the code that differs...
-nss.npa 1.00 TL(v02) (only ones different from v05 are extra_tips.nsb/map(WinMerge), so I guess this can be dropped?)
-nss.npa SG_11-7-11 (this)
+Any scripts we could use from the iOS version. They did say they'd have the final release in February, so revisions are possible...

Edit; Did a WinMerge comparison with original(untranslated) v1.00 and v1.20
(Only 4 files differed in nss.npa; 0_boot.nsb, sg00_01.nsb,, sg11_08.nsb)

-189 changes version number
<01> 1.00EX => <01> 1.11EX

-v1.20 adds 48 lines (104-152), not present in v1.00
CALL f7 0

CALL 8e 0

CALL d0 2
<01> PhID_MAY

CALL f8 1
<00> PhID_MAY

CALL 8e 0

CALL d0 2
<01> PhID_DAR

CALL f8 1
<00> PhID_DAR

CALL 8e 0

CALL d0 2
<01> PhID_RUK

CALL f8 1
<00> PhID_RUK

CALL 8e 0

CALL d0 2
<01> PhID_FEI

CALL f8 1
<00> PhID_FEI

CALL 8e 0

CALL d0 2
<01> PhID_Oven

CALL f8 1
<00> PhID_Oven

CALL 8e 0
Rest is identical.
Strangely the sg00_01.txt is identical despite this.


-line 9007
<01> 2050 => <01> 2048

-line 9019
<01> 2050 => <01> 2048

-line 9219
<01> 1025 => <01> 1024
sg11_08.txt is again identical.

system.ini (system.npa)
-line 10
version=1.00 => version=1.20

-line 22
title = STEINS;GATE version1.00 => title = STEINS;GATE version1.20
^That's IT?! No wonder the mix worked...

Geckoey Lurker

Internet is still messing up a bit, and no more risk of blacking out. Upload speed seem to be fine, but downloading is just downright horrible, mewtube's files have been downloading since yesterday.

I had the time to play through S;G at least once, I didn't encounter any errors nor crashes at all. I noticed a few typos, but I just thought to take notes now. /facepalms
Only remaining error seems to be these black bars replacing the spaces on the first dialogue box once I load, any idea where the fonts would be handled ? If it's not in the executable, then maybe can do something about it.

Mediafire is currently be uncooperative, but I'll upload at least the cosplay-less version on my website until it decide to work.


Well, whoever wants the cosplay patch, can after patching download the v02 or v05, and copy cgex.npa and nssex.npa from it to the main game folder.

Edit; Might I suggest you add a crc to the file? Or a checksum file inside the archive? Just in case, I've seen MF corrupt files before, and as you said your connection is unstable...

Geckoey Lurker


Just noticed you can open/extract the patched versions STEINSGATE.EXE with 7-Zip. ...Now that leaves some... ...interesting avenues...
Unfortunately doesn't work with the originals.