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[H-VN] Muv-Luv Alternative

Started by Mana, October 29, 2010, 09:33:50 PM

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I read manayan's spoilers.

T_T OH FUCK **** *** **** *****

something to that effect.



I'm bothered by spoilers, but to complain just because someone said that a bunch of nameless characters die in the first pages of a VN? Come on! If they had posted what's behind my spoiler tags, that would give you many reasons to be mad, but that?
actually when i read the spoiler i dont even know what kind of characters died (which is my rant), after playing it, knowing that engrish speaking guys died (which honestly i havent seen any implication about them dying that is) it kinda clicks how insignificant that spoiler really are.

But then again, was i mad? or are you being sensitive to my "uh... spoiler tag please? duh i hate reading spoiler without warning like that sigh" did i even say "oh fuk i hate you for spoiling that shiet to me you bastard" ? no right? so yeah we dont need the drama, and sorry if i made u misunderstand anything, but really you need all those sarcasms? heh :D


I guess I shoulda used a spoiler tag but really... this is one of those cases where the wording is such that the spoiler told you almost less than not reading it at all since it was so vague and confusing.  It's more of a preview =P and a somewhat misleading one.


I guess I shoulda used a spoiler tag but really... this is one of those cases where the wording is such that the spoiler told you almost less than not reading it at all since it was so vague and confusing.  It's more of a preview =P and a somewhat misleading one.

no worries mate, when i learn how insignificant that spoiler is, i even feel dumb myself :D but yeahh when i read it i kind of drift to thinking that someone significant died or something, well given how serious and grim dark alternative is from what people said i should have expected someone died, but .. yeah forgive my post regarding the spoiler


so yeah we dont need the drama, and sorry if i made u misunderstand anything, but really you need all those sarcasms? heh :D

Actually, I do.


so yeah we dont need the drama, and sorry if i made u misunderstand anything, but really you need all those sarcasms? heh :D
Actually, I do.
Otherwise you wouldn't be our "loved by everyone" Mana... or was it more "feared by everyone"?
Please don't mind me. Most of the time I don't make much sense... and mostly I don't even try to.


"feared by everyone"

Only if people fear words, but if that's the case, what are they doing on a forum?


Only if people fear words, but if that's the case, what are they doing on a forum?

Going berserk? Start trolling?
Please don't mind me. Most of the time I don't make much sense... and mostly I don't even try to.


Stop talking about me. I have no fear of words D=

I'm not a troll!


okay putting all those aside..

damn muv luv alternative in my opinion really live to its hype, i just finished marathoning extra, unlimited and then went straight for alternative, and yeah it is just that good, some of the events in extra made some sense
heh go figure if extra's takeru saw alternative takeru when he went for sumika's shoes, boom quantum paradox happening?
i love how they take on politics and conflicts in alternative, and how
each characters has their own view, conflicts and side to take during coup de' tat, that ayamine's fiancee..

cant wait for next patch, when its complete i will replay muv luv all over again, this is one of the game where imo you need to marathon it alongside with the prequel to get the full effect of the story telling due to plot continuity

sooo for those who are wondering whether to wait for full patch or play the coup de 'tat patch, i would suggest wait for full patch, alternative story telling have power to make you wanting for more

quick question though for anyone who has played it
so every route in extra, and every path you take in unlimited are canon due to paralel world theory? i remember seeing mikoto's unlimited end during takeru's flashback in the beginning of alternative


To your last spoiler, yes.  But.. even so...


I really like the Muv-Luv games and this one is just great * in grafic and story sense* but i hate this story :'( 
and yeah Im not so sure if i like this one end thing.
Nobody dies a virgin cos in the end, life fucks us all


Well, I like Kasumi best so it's not a big deal for me... but ahem, at least some of the heroines survive and there's new ones... plus in the end you have him going back right?  There's always more versions where those come from, if you think about it... most of the heroines have already died in unlimited since only one of them get on the ship, America's plan is fail while the refugees make their way to a safe world.  Altered Fable is basically the happy epilogue of alternative ain't it?


From what I got, Altered Fable is Kasumi messing around with Takeru's broken mind so that he can be happy.
But I hope to be wrong.

*laughs at his new title*


Mana, mana, mana, mana.

Iunno. I'm lacking something these days. Blah.