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[H-VN] Shuffle!

Started by Kureha, August 15, 2009, 07:31:50 AM

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is the expansion to this game available yet? the one with the half demon/human girl and i think the blonde one , been a while since ive played this game so i forgot their names...


Unfortunately it is not available in english. I would like to see Benibara's, Kareha and Mayumi routes but I doubt that I will be able to do it any time soon.


Shuffle Essence is probably one of the, if not the most, requested game to be translated on Mangagamer's forum, so I think Mangagamer would like to translate it.  However, Navel was not happy with the sales of Soul Link (especially) and Shuffle, so its Navel that are ones blocking the translation.

Da Capo Plus Communication (I and II) is another highly requested translation on the forum, but there seems to be an equal amount of nay sayers as well.  Interestingly enough, Shuffle Essence doesn't seem to have any nay sayers at all and everyone supports the title.   
"What!? You found a girl that cute in a cemetary? You must be one hell of a necromancer!"
-- Raven



As if you could call that a patch:

Things that are not in (problems with) the current version that we know about:

No Voice



Limited Settings

Missing Options

Hilghtable Text

If you go to Load and you havn't saved yet and try and click "OK" at the bottem of the screen it will automaticly start a new game.

No Date in the top left hand corner

No Gallery

No Music Gallery

No Full Screen

Geckoey Lurker

To be expected from an Alpha Patch with only Day One translated but then again.. should that really be out in public ?
Sounds like they're lacking in alpha/beta-testers and that it was rushed.


And don't forget that they are porting the entire thing to Java.

Geckoey Lurker

I don't see the point of doing a port; any idea why they would do that ?


They claim that their programmer only accepted working on it if he was given the freedom to do whatever he wanted with the engine, since he wants to apply to a certain company.

They are either master trolls or complete retards.

Geckoey Lurker

Until someone tell me that there is an actual point beside personal gains in porting this.. they're staying as complete retards to me.

Also, it seems more like the programmer is gonna be torturing himself without any particularly good reason to me.
Learning how something work sounds good enough to me, but to rewrite it completely is a different matter.


They claim that their programmer only accepted working on it if he was given the freedom to do whatever he wanted with the engine, since he wants to apply to a certain company.

They are either master trolls or complete retards.
AHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAH, You're trolling me for giving you that headache right?

Java? SERIOUSLY JAVA? Oh America


I'm forced to forgive you just because of that avatar.




Eh, I couldn't really get into the story, and something subtle about the artwork put me off slightly.
Maybe I will try getting into it when my mood's slightly better.