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[H-Manga][English] Petit Roid 3

Started by Zyibis, August 10, 2010, 03:52:02 AM

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Shibamata Youchi was an ordinary student until his grandfather gave him 3 little-girl androids to serve him. They'll do anything--but there's one little problem: you must reward the girls with sex when they do something. Or else they'll blow up and destroy the whole city!

Megaupload: Volume 1/Volume 2/Volume 3/Extras

Mediafire: Volume 1/Volume 2/Volume 3/Extras


sorry for editing your post but I saw that you didn't include a image and just had to put goth loli cover on there. I should point out that that's the adult form of her and not her normal loli form.


I don't mind, besides I love the goth loli.


.. ... ...

I must say... That this.. H-manga.. EFFING ROCKS!

I perhaps have not spent a 'sleepless night' reading an H-Manga... ... TILL THIS ONE!..
... ...

Damn you tea! You said there were no combinations!


GATTAI DA! *pumps fist*

Yeah.. Had trouble finding the extra episodes... Thanks for that... And with that episode out of the way... comes sleep. >_> goodnight..
But still read the extra episodes first.. before sleep..


An all nighter reading Petit Roid huh? Well I did the same thing when I read it the first time too.


I didn't. I wanted to fap to every scene, so it was about 2-5 chapters a night for me.



Say, I've been noticing, but the way these H-manga are being packaged is really annoying.

my Ifranview doesn't read them in order; although in fact some of them aren't in order in the first place. How are you filing these Zyi?


.. ... ...

I must say... That this.. H-manga.. EFFING ROCKS!

I perhaps have not spent a 'sleepless night' reading an H-Manga... ... TILL THIS ONE!..

That's how awesome it is!


Say, I've been noticing, but the way these H-manga are being packaged is really annoying.

my Ifranview doesn't read them in order; although in fact some of them aren't in order in the first place. How are you filing these Zyi?

Not in order? What do you mean?


kinda like it's named Petite Roid 3 (1) etc etc and then at the end it's the first picture named Petite Roid 3.

Basically, just wondering if you've been renaming them and stuff. Or if in renaming them you could put in filler "0's" like Petite Roid 3 001.


Just rename the first page that's located at the 'last panel' as a '0'... That's pretty much all there is to be done.


Well it is easier to rename them all at once which is why they are named "Petit Roid 3 (1) etc etc. If I were to rename ass 001, 002, 003 etc, then I would have to rename it picture one by one which is time consuming and annoying as hell.


But aren't they like pre-packaged when you get them the first time?

Also, there are programs that can re-label them for you. Just wondering if you were interested since you were doing all this uploading. It doesn't really matter since I have a renamer.


Well if you can give me a good renamer program then I'll do it.