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[Light Novel] [English] Hataraku Maou-sama! (The Devil is a Part-Timer!)

Started by Go-Sick, February 01, 2016, 05:13:39 AM

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Dark Warrior

New Update
Hataraku Maou-sama!

Vol-16  PDF

All thanks goes to mittens_220 for Translating the Series
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New Update
Hataraku Maou-sama!

Vol-16  PDF

All thanks goes to mittens_220 for Translating the Series

Thanks for this Volume...  :D


It's fairly sad that my original message was deleted without any warning. Could it be that giving an honest and calm opinion to point out what I believe to be a SLIGHT mistake is not allowed on this board ? If so, please point me out which rule exactly my message breaches so I can adjust it next time. You can even just tell me "giving your opinion isn't allowed", I'm fine with it, as long as it's clear. Here's the original message btw: (addons that save lost messages are so nice...)


Yeah, I wanted to know what answer they would give us, but I couldn't find the message. I think exactly the same as you.


It's fairly sad that my original message was deleted without any warning. Could it be that giving an honest and calm opinion to point out what I believe to be a SLIGHT mistake is not allowed on this board ? If so, please point me out which rule exactly my message breaches so I can adjust it next time. You can even just tell me "giving your opinion isn't allowed", I'm fine with it, as long as it's clear. Here's the original message btw: (addons that save lost messages are so nice...)
So you good sir probably weren't active enough to read the replies.
But don't worry, i've also prepared if that was the case.



"My version~"
means my version of the PDF format/template. It's not I-downloaded-this-pdf-from-somewhere-then-post-it-here-and-add-some-ads. I create my own since it's impossible to make the translators tailor the pdfs to my desire. I never said i translated them and the translators are always credited at the cover page of every pdf. So i think technically, the files are mine.

Half an hour for a dozen of links, that's funny. I spend an average of 45-60mins per pdf.
and that volume 16 alone took almost 3 hours!
It's not just copy and paste then come what may. I clean the shit out of it, edit any mistakes i find, and remove unncessary tl notes to make reading it smoother. If images are not included in the tl site, i try to search for them, and even download raws if need may be.

i searched for the best link shortener and google-sensei said clicksfly is the best of 2018.
it has mass url shortener, and when i asked customer support they said the links doesn't expire. which are both great because f*ck linkshrink and its neverending expiring links.
And replacing almost 2000 links isn't easy either, you think i enjoy that?
Even this clicksfly is still on trial mode.  I could only hope that it really doesn't expire.

i atleast didn't have any problem with this shortener, i can even go through with my adblocks and userscripts turned off, just with a simple strict pop-up blocker. Never had those picutes showing either. I'm also a leecher who needs to go through this ads because i download my anime from animechiby and their links are even harder/takes longer than mine, there's also the image puzzle in the It may have been a bit inconvenient but, hey, it still works.
And this is the internet, it's rarer to see dl links without ads. They're everywhere.

well i hope you atleast undestood something.

you might have had a hard time getting the links but it's very easy for me to set the files (or all files) private.


now, to add more to that.
I think that posting the direct link of file that has url shrinker on them in the very site it was posted in isn't really something you do.
That's pretty much common sense at this point and something like an unwritten rule.
Try doing that stunt at other sites, let's see how kindly they'll respond to that.

i've requested your post and the previous replies to be deleted because the board might get toxic.
don't really want to see all those hate in here.
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Comment edited by Kureha
Reason: Please reword this post so that it's not too hard on people who need their "safe space". You are entitled to your opinions, but please, be civilized.


I'm sorry if i offend anyone. But for every people in the forum, let me tell you one thing, Aizen pdf is the best that out in the internet. I have download every file that was uploaded in every download site, not just this forum. If you don't like his pdf you don't need to download it. Making pdf is not easy as you thought you know.


So you good sir probably weren't active enough to read the replies.
But don't worry, i've also prepared if that was the case.
Granted, I am not the most active user on this forum, besides I didn't expect the message to be simply deleted without notice ^^"

"My version~"
means my version of the PDF format/template. It's not I-downloaded-this-pdf-from-somewhere-then-post-it-here-and-add-some-ads. I create my own since it's impossible to make the translators tailor the pdfs to my desire. I never said i translated them and the translators are always credited at the cover page of every pdf. So i think technically, the files are mine.

Half an hour for a dozen of links, that's funny. I spend an average of 45-60mins per pdf.
and that volume 16 alone took almost 3 hours!
It's not just copy and paste then come what may. I clean the shit out of it, edit any mistakes i find, and remove unncessary tl notes to make reading it smoother. If images are not included in the tl site, i try to search for them, and even download raws if need may be.
Thanks for the detail. Do note that I didn't accuse you of anything in the first place but simply asked about it (as I know some people who used to just re-host the files and claim credit for the work as editors or even translators). So, thanks doubly for the effort of cleaning the .pdfs ;)

i searched for the best link shortener and google-sensei said clicksfly is the best of 2018.
it has mass url shortener, and when i asked customer support they said the links doesn't expire. which are both great because f*ck linkshrink and its neverending expiring links.
And replacing almost 2000 links isn't easy either, you think i enjoy that?
Even this clicksfly is still on trial mode.  I could only hope that it really doesn't expire.

i atleast didn't have any problem with this shortener, i can even go through with my adblocks and userscripts turned off, just with a simple strict pop-up blocker. Never had those picutes showing either. I'm also a leecher who needs to go through this ads because i download my anime from animechiby and their links are even harder/takes longer than mine, there's also the image puzzle in the It may have been a bit inconvenient but, hey, it still works.
And this is the internet, it's rarer to see dl links without ads. They're everywhere.
On that note I'm afraid I can't really give a proper advise as to which is better as my experience with those is almost non-existent (I usually provide the links for any hosted file directly, never used such service =/). I checked the details, from a monetary point of view I can understand why this one can be enticing (as it seems more rewarding than some other competitors). The only thing I can say is that from a user experience that one in particular is a nightmare as I've had issues several times while trying to enter the captcha on this one especially when you download several files in a row. The first 3 - 5 first files, not much problems, but later on you can have two, or three, or sometimes a dozen captcha in a row (Yes ! A dozen !) to complete... At first I thought that it might be just a bad day, but I tried the day after and still had similar issues. Also I tend to use jDownloader for this type of downloads (as it makes things much easier), and it seems this particular site blocks it (contrary to other url shorteners I've had experience with as a user). I don't remember if I tried various browsers at the time (I use Vivaldi which is based on Chrome) but I'll do that maybe next time and see if it comes from that -though I doubt it-.

So yes, for all those reasons I hope you understand that after having spent like 3h+ just to get the links for like 50 files kinda startled me and I felt compelled to say something regarding this. I hope you didn't take it as a personal attack or anything.

now, to add more to that.
I think that posting the direct link of file that has url shrinker on them in the very site it was posted in isn't really something you do.
That's pretty much common sense at this point and something like an unwritten rule.
Try doing that stunt at other sites, let's see how kindly they'll respond to that.
Noted. Fun fact: I did check the rules (twice actually) before posting my original message (and even re-checked them after I noticed it had been deleted as I was wondering if I somehow had breached a rule). Sometimes, 'unwritten rules' are better written, at the very least if it's a basis for moderation ;) As for the hate... Where ? Not here at least *.* Anyway, have a nice day and thanks again for your work. // oh, talking of hate... :

You just can't fix stupid... and that guy is just brain dead stupid. sorry but that's the honest truth.
as much as i don't want it to get "toxic" as traitorAIZEN said, i just have to say this : Yros fuck off. if you can't even use your brain to comprehend what traitorAIZEN is doing for this forum... that there are many people that even register or come to the forum because of the amount of time and effort he puts into his pdf's (and yeah its HIS PDF'S, HIS VERSIONS. try and "create a pdf" for a novel... see how far u go without it being complete shit or that anyone would even care to read your version) anyway, if you can't comprehend that that this link shorteners or whatever he uses is the LEAST He deserves to get some pennies out of hours upon hours of work/effort/passion he puts into them... then like i said, fuck off.
no one likes a complaining freeloader, and a dumb one at that even more.
Very constructive and mature. Chill out, kid. And read again the definition of toxicity. All I did was ask if he had done any change on his pdfs versions compared to the other links (which I believe to be a legitimate question) and pointed out an issue with the new url shortener he used (see above) while giving a legitimate opinion suggesting to offer a non-shortened url as an option (which once again was simply a suggestion). As for your last sentence... did you check a mirror lately ? Cheers.


Okay. Let's just leave it at that.
Really, just don't post the direct links like that again.
It's not just here, any kind of dl site which uses url shortener will also probably get angry if you do that to them. :-X
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Hey guys, Please appreciate every effort of the people who work here.
If you have any objections or problems, it's better to complain in the public chat forum section. !1



Do not direct link to files from another member's links. Kureha One currently allows the poster of their links to include 1 ad as an incentive for people to contribute to the community, having to maintain a large amount of files and links is hard work and Kureha appreciates that.
Offenders will have their post deleted without warning, continuous offenders will be banned.

If you really feel so inclined to direct link without URL shorteners, then at least upload it to your own space/account so that the original poster does not have their account DMCAed by spiders or crawlers.

Also please, do not have flame wars in a topic where people are trying to sift for useful information.
You can have flame wars in the no topic section or the Ghetto if you really have the urge...

PS: Mods feel free to delete this msg when you do a thread clean up should you choose to do so.