Kureha One

Game Central => Doujin games. 18+ => Topic started by: lsssk11331 on January 24, 2017, 02:03:19 PM

Title: [RPG] Estrus Girl living under the same roof as my lewd-parasite infected v1.01
Post by: lsssk11331 on January 24, 2017, 02:03:19 PM


Your childhood friend 'Iku' has been infected by a lewd-parasite......
As the name infers, it makes her horny and her estrus cycles become frequent.
If she isn't relieved off her sexual desires often enough,
you will end up with a wild rampaging anyone ok slut hole...
Now, you wouldn't want that kind of fate for your childhood friend right?
Here begins your life together under one roof.

Game Information:
English Title: Estrus Girl ~ living under the same roof as my lewd-parasite infected childhood friend ~
Japanese Title: 発情少女~淫蟲に寄生された幼馴染と一つ屋根の下~
Circle : Magical Girl Club (魔法少女倶楽部)
Published date : Jan/23/2017
Categories : Doujin Game, Role-Playing
OS Platforms : [PC] WindowsVista / Windows7 / Windows8 / Windows8.1 / Windows10
Work Number: RJ192891

(http://i.imgur.com/KfX0CWe.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/bwQqFQB.jpg)

Download Link:
v1.01 (298.59 MB):
Mega (http://j.gs/8pBk)

Mega (http://j.gs/8jwo)
Title: Re: [RPG] Estrus Girl living under the same roof as my lewd-parasite infected v1.01
Post by: lsssk11331 on February 22, 2017, 02:54:15 PM
Update v1.01