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Tell us about your favorite mobile game!

Started by Loyd(TheHighWayman), March 07, 2020, 09:04:05 AM

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So, i wanted to hear about our lurker's, users, and mods opinions in your favorite mobile games. You can even talk about it like if it was a review!
I found a about a few that might worth the try, and will talk about them later, but i guess its better to have the thread already.


Probably Soul Knight

Its extremely entertaining with tight controls, a good amount of variety, and local multiplayer.
The only downside is that it gets a bit repetitive once you get good enough to kill the final boss consistently. Though that's already at least a month of content if you play it casually.
I am a bear in the woods that has access to the internet.


Arknight(at least for now)

Very cool character design, good story, addictive gameplay, gacha is so much forgiving as i come from FGO Gacha hell, easy farm with auto deploy feature. The downside is the need to continuously farm for material to E2 operator, as so much material needed to E2 even more than FGO  i think?


Eh? Arknights gacha doesn't seem to be forgiving for Kureha, can't even get 6000 Orundums to do the minimum 10 rolls per banner without having to just drop everything and farm 1-7 and dump LMD into making Orundums.

Top/Senior tags have only appeared once for Kureha. Cleared basically everything in the depot for the first E2 operator. Only 3 6 star operators so far, 1st one was from the beginners gacha which everyone gets, 1 from the single time Kureha got the top tag, and 3rd was from the 50th pity pull...


Minecraft. running a hardcore world. hard af.
Good day to you cultured people.


Granblue Fantasy is the first thing that comes to mind. It's pretty fun once you know what you're doing.

Wouldn't recommend it to folks who aren't fond of grinding, though...
Weebs already rule the world. The normies just don't know it yet.


As of now, my favourite ones are Arknights and Bistro Heroes

Arknights is pretty much for the same reason as Symbiancross. Also, Kureha, you can get Orundums in Annihilation. It's a slow process to get 6k - but you get 6k of those in 2 weeks of lazy gringing (that is 1-2 annihilations a day)

Also, I've never had any problems with E2, but I'm also never rushing to E2. One of the greatiest things about Arknigts for me, is that you can clear out pretty much 92% of the content (even the later ones) with 2 and 3 Star units. So, basically, I've leveled them up to the max and now slowly E2-ing my 4 Stars.

Bistro Heroes...I wouldn't call it really a great game, but its a relaxing one for sure. Cute characters, cute story, cute food. Bit grindy.

I've also played Raid:Shadow Legends,'t think people here would be interested in me ranting about that game :D


Im not really sure if I still like playing games at all.
I've never missed a day of playing FGO ever since I started playing 3 years ago, and I've gotten plenty of SSRs...

But it's just that the more i want a character, the harder it is to actually get them...
I rolled 148 pulls for Arjuna Alter and only managed to get him on the very last pull...
I rolled 170+ pulls for ShotaVinci and got nothing... No spooks... Nothing..

At this point Im not sure I want to keep playing... I just skip all the stories and just try to bring myself to atleast get the relevant items from the event shop...

I think Im gonna gun for Musashi one last time and if I don't get her... then its time to call it quits...
Fun Fact: I'm getting nowhere, real fast.
              I need a Job.


I play arknights, genshin, punishing gray raven and honkai.

All are extremely good and contagious, but arknights is definitely most free to play friendly!
Genshin has gorgeous design, but lacks in storyline and characterisation.
Honkai has amazing characterization, but needs you to be familiar with manga as well, but pity system is better than genshin, because there is no 50/50 chance.
Punishing Gray Raven is also very friendly for players who don't want to spend, but the whole system is copy paste of honkai, and lacks the will and soul of honkai


I would initially say Honkai Impact probably years ago when this thread was published but there's too many bittersweet and painful memories I'm associating with the game so right now... its probably Fate/Grand Order with competing against Nikke: Goddess of Victory. The former helped me get my fix in games given the accessible hardware I had was lacking to play HI(then again with what happened to my account it might had been for the best...) and made me fell in love again with its OG IP. Nikke in the other hand is something that double tapped my HI obsession out of commission thoroughly especially with its story and plot.

... well the 'plot' are also amazing but it made me stick with the plot so there's that :V. Helps both even with sad stories and such made me continue moving forward IRL.

Ron Emeraldia

The gacha games that I currently have in my phone are D4DJ Groovy Mix, Blue Archive, Reverse1999, and Limbus Company
I also have Papa's Paleteria as the only offline game I have downloaded.

D4DJ is my first gacha game because the anime convinced me and it was a time where I was listening a lot of Japanese EDM artists and playing Lanota and Cytus so the stars alligned.
The next gacha game I've downloaded was BanG Dream! Girls Band Party. It's a franchise under Bushiroad which is also the publisher of D4DJ and also the anime and the songs convinced me. Uninstalled it to save space.
Next game was I think Cardfight Vanguard but I stopped playing before it's End of Service. Also a game under Bushiroad.
Next is Blue Archive. I was a day 1 player and continued playing till now.
Next is Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight RE:Live, also under Bushiroad, the anime was so mindblowing that I had to play the game. Uninstalled it before its End of Service
Played Takt Op. Destiny, Arknights and Idoly Pride for a short period of time but it did not interest me. Might consider playing Arknights if I have a second phone and because there will be Limbus Company x Arknights collab
I played Limbus Company because I was a very big fan of Mili, starting from the days of Cytus and their song of Chocological, I then get a recommendation in my YouTube feed of Mili made a theme song for the game Library of Ruin, it took me a year to consider playing it, but I found out that Library of Ruina was a sequel, so I decided to play the prequel, Lobotomy Corporation. Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina made me a big fan of Project Moon. So when I found out that their 3rd game will be gacha game, I decided to play it when it released. Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina has the best storyline I've ever played and Limbus Company didn't dissapoint me.
I played Memento Mori, played it because of the songs, but the game is kind of boring. Decided to uninstall it and instead just listen to the game OST in YouTube.
The latest game that I have was Zenless Zone Zero, the game is fun, but I'm experience heavy frame stutterings even in the lowest setting plus it made me ran out of storage. My PC is potato so I had to begrudgingly uninstall it because I don't want either my pc or phone to die.
The game that I'm looking forward to playing is Uma Musume. Especially that an EN release will be coming soon and that it would be directly published by CyGames and not by Crunchyroll