Kureha One

Varied Catagories - 綜合討論區 => No Topic - 無主題 => Topic started by: Green_Tea on November 15, 2011, 01:38:48 PM

Title: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Green_Tea on November 15, 2011, 01:38:48 PM
Might as well make a thread of it since it's easier to look at.

So it's a worry, or a problem, or at the very least a topic of discussion that we don't actually have that many active users. Various reason as to why have been suggested, ranging from lack of topics to lack of wider interest in participation.

Since we probably have nothing better to do, and it might be better to do it in an orderly manner I would say that we should

a) Make a list of all the reasons we think there are not enough active users.
answers go here
b) Compile a list of answers/solutions to those reasons.
answers go here
c) Implement them one by one to try
answers go here
   i. and figure out which problem it was
answers go here
   ii. and to increase activity on the forum.
answers go here
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 15, 2011, 03:27:39 PM
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Green_Tea on November 15, 2011, 03:39:37 PM

Mana's genius astounds me. It's almost American.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 15, 2011, 03:50:43 PM
Don't insult Mein Kaiser's idea of being impartial to everyone or you will have a talk with the b&hammer.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on November 15, 2011, 05:38:00 PM
I don't think taxes would work here.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 15, 2011, 05:43:37 PM
If you force users to take surveys each time they want to post, create thread or download an attachment, we will have our taxes. And that will also reach any power that mods have, like moving threads or baning an user.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on November 15, 2011, 05:49:46 PM
That would just quickly kill any hope of an active userbase.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 15, 2011, 05:56:53 PM
But we would have front seats for a complete train wreck.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Green_Tea on November 15, 2011, 07:22:30 PM
A tax for the mods would be welcome. Then they can't go about threatening the current active userbase with that hammer. D=
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Geckoey Lurker on November 15, 2011, 08:37:22 PM
I don't mind a jail, but a tax I utterly refuse unless I am not affected.
Well, if that happens I don't mind having those front seats.

Anyhow, there can be many, many reasons for the lack of active members.

Being a forum centering on H-Content mostly at the moment might be a reason, especially the fact that it's more on the downloads side of it and less of discussion. Also, the reason that we might have many registered members could be due to the need to register for most torrents and while this does brings in members, they're still leechers for the most part and unless we get them to become active somehow, nothing will come from them.

Again, the numbers of discussion and posts in the Adult board have such a big gap with the other boards. This just proves the focus on H-Content, but since no one really begin many topics out of them it doesn't help much and I'm sure I'm not the only one that is really hesitant on starting new topics or even just posting and if just this could be fixed, it really will improves the chances of attracting more active members in. Also, events, contests and the such will get more in as well, I don't really know what kind but they will, probably. Maybe even just a topic that ask the member's honest opinion on such VN, game, news or etc might helps. Hell, you could even open up a spam section, I'm sure a lots of people would gladly spam there though that will surely bring up more work for the mods.

Everything I typed down is obvious and maybe I am wrong but that's how I see things. (Though it seems confusing after reading it myself)
In simple, only problem is to become "more active ourselves" in an effort to attracts more members.
And almost all of us current active members seems to be almost literally lurking the forum 24/7/365. (I am anyway)

I just noticed the time-gap between me and you guys. It's currently 7:37 AM here.
Now.. I just woke up so I can't thinks too straight either so I'm gonna go do stuff until I completely wake up.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 15, 2011, 10:44:09 PM
Those things are nice and all that, but the mods are broke to the point of being fortunate to have internet access and I mostly bother /jp/ and /v/ when I want to discuss about something.

If you didn't notice, I'm not the best person at taking initiative, which is why 99% of the ~170 topics that I started are just uploads, but you can count on me for following up with useless comments or to even derail the discussion.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: laplacian on November 15, 2011, 11:01:02 PM
Indeed, Mana is the helpful fairy who keeps things running smoothly here!
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Geckoey Lurker on November 15, 2011, 11:36:00 PM
Thinking about it, I don't remember seeing any other Mod than Mana.
Is there actually anyone else ?

As for me, the only times I take an initiative is for technical stuff, I'm not really a good conversation starter unless I'm completely fooling around.. but that's a different matter.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 15, 2011, 11:41:37 PM

Indeed, Mana is the helpful fairy who keeps things running smoothly here!

Unfortunately, fairies are short lived, otherwise I would have liked the sound of that.

Thinking about it, I don't remember seeing any other Mod than Mana.
Is there actually anyone else ?

As for me, the only times I take an initiative is for technical stuff, I'm not really a good conversation starter unless I'm completely fooling around.. but that's a different matter.

Angelus is the other mod and our main uploader of original content.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Green_Tea on November 16, 2011, 01:40:15 PM
What about spare time? If someone has spare time, then there's an idea....

So basically, someone should post recent news and hot topics of discussion on appropriate boards. Whether they be on a popular game that's been released (skyrim or mw3) or something global (financial crisis) or something controversial (that little Chinese girl that was run over and no one helped her.)

News is always good for discussion.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on November 16, 2011, 03:55:53 PM
You've been appointed to the task.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Green_Tea on November 16, 2011, 03:59:33 PM
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on November 16, 2011, 04:06:51 PM
Let's give a round of applause on Tea's new position!
Now, what board would you like to take over?
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 16, 2011, 04:08:54 PM
Congratulations! Now, I'll just keep discussing those things during my spare time the whole day on other places.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Green_Tea on November 16, 2011, 05:42:57 PM
This won't work. I'll get banned on purpose. I will! Don't force my hand >[
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Geckoey Lurker on November 25, 2011, 10:00:02 PM
Well, I thought I do revive this barely necro topic for two reasons.

First, I thought I would steals a bits of Tea's new assigned tasks/ideas.
And by that I mean mostly about games, I am almost as clueless as a newborn when it come to real-life information so I can't really do anything for that. Though I have not been looking up news as much about games lately, I still am a gamer by heart and I seem to have a lots of free time ahead of me for awhile, minus tomorrow.

Second, would it be possible to get a dedicated forum for Games ?
I don't really care if they're made into sub-forums to separate consoles/pc games or not either.
Or should I go and just make those games topics here in the No Topic forum ?

I'm not saying that if I begin talking about games I'm gonna end up creating 50+ topics but I think it would be for the best, instead of later creating a new forum and having to move all the topics from here to there.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on November 25, 2011, 11:29:50 PM
I still have to create topics for things that I uploaded more than a month ago. I would also feel obliged to contribute to that one. Do you want to drive me mad?

That reminds me of something, why don't you create topics to discuss things that aren't even available here and one of the mods could update the first post if someone eventually uploads the game, mods and/or other things related to it?
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Geckoey Lurker on November 26, 2011, 12:02:47 AM
My bad, I didn't think much about the mods, it was all thought up on a whim. I gotta stop doing that. =/

And well, I don't mind creating topics for things that are unavailable here, that was somewhat the main point in a way though what I had in mind was mainly discussion and nothing to do with games uploading unless I misunderstood something ? I'll take it upon myself to update my OPs as much as necessary. Time to do some research and scan through the boards to see what isn't here yet.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on December 26, 2011, 10:22:20 PM
I meant that if people discuss about something, someone requests download links, and another person uploads it, they should be added to the first post.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on December 26, 2011, 10:59:43 PM
Hmmn did Geckoey never get resigned up? It still says Guest... oh woes.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Geckoey Lurker on January 18, 2012, 03:13:04 AM
I'm still alive, no worry, forum just decided to reopen its arms to me. (I was actually still lurking around here everyday <3)

Anyway, as for the someone uploading something and then adding it to the first post. I think the job goes mainly to the OP, considering they're still alive, and secondly the mods/admins. And you've been doing an extremely good job at that, in fact, most of the edits I see on the first posts are credited to you, can only say thanks to you.

Also, I said in my other post I would scan through what isn't here, but.. to be honest, I don't have that much knowledge, at least in VNs, I got only 3 Japanese VNs which arn't here, one of them being heavily centered on H and since I know very few kanjis, I don't know if the story is any good, and the two other require a Japanese OS.. which I don't have. I got Little Busters! EX that I should probably upload for here though, since the original is done and the EX/ME is now being translated.

Well, I guess all I can do to help is open some discussions thread and hope people will talk on them, if only just a little bit, and if there is anyone here that is interested in discussing programmation and engines hacking, it would be a nice way to gain knowledge about it and everything. I could also try to open up a japanese thread, would be useful for anyone learning the language and want some buddies to learn with and/or try to speak in jp with, my japanese is still very limited personally, but pratice make better. Hell, if there is anyone here that wanna pratice up their french, I'm up to it. . Yeah, I'm more technical than anything. To be honest, I have no ideas what the people's interests minus VNs are around here; I lurked here for a while, but I didn't talk much with anyone.

Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: edgelessdiamond on January 23, 2012, 08:36:17 PM
How about a new member introduction forum I've seen people do that one on other forums and it works pretty well.

My other idea, is to have certain pinned topics on each forum like one for a recommended list of VNs to play and another for anime games and so on...
thats my 2 cents after joining :D
Also having to do the verification every time I post is kind of annoying.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on January 23, 2012, 09:26:13 PM
It's only until you reach 5 posts and it was that or spam bots everywhere.

As for the sticky, it can be easily replaced with this link: http://vndb.org/v/all?q=;fil=tagspoil-0;o=d;s=rating
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Geckoey Lurker on January 24, 2012, 06:05:26 AM
Though reading people's actual thoughts on a VN is better than looking at a list of statistics that doesn't really tell why it was liked, and such. Some people are content with just that anyway.

I still havn't done anything, derp.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: edgelessdiamond on January 24, 2012, 07:46:59 AM

Though reading people's actual thoughts on a VN is better than looking at a list of statistics that doesn't really tell why it was liked, and such. Some people are content with just that anyway.

I still havn't done anything, derp.

Yeah I like reading peoples thoughts on stuff thats how I've found out about a few jdramas and 1 kdrama that was really good as well. Which that could be another forum. :D
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on January 24, 2012, 11:46:56 AM
Welcome back lol, I've always felt that a forum gave much more feeling than just a webpage listing links.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Flash on April 04, 2012, 01:43:56 PM
I surrender to the captcha system of this forum: I admit I have got eye problems and have a lot of trouble reading the text...
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Geckoey Lurker on April 04, 2012, 08:04:29 PM
Well.. isn't the captcha supposed to be gone once you hits 5 posts (might've been 10)? So, you have no worries anymore~
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on April 08, 2012, 01:35:25 AM
It should go away on the 6th post.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: StriderVM on April 24, 2012, 10:58:33 PM
There's a simple reason. Because you are not specifically advertising getting something illegal here. Forums which involve piracy and damn proud of it attract a huge amount of fanbase.
And..... There's a huge lack of focus in the forums as well.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Kureha on April 25, 2012, 09:21:53 AM
I prefer not to get sued or shut down though. There is also the upgrades I'ld need to take on that extra traffic. Sure, we already have quite a bit of traffic, but it's mainly traffic that doesn't talk. We could have all the traffic in the world but it'll be meaningless if they don't post. I really also need to find a way of helping this place self sustain. It's making quite a dent in my finances.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: Mana on April 25, 2012, 06:54:13 PM

There's a simple reason. Because you are not specifically advertising getting something illegal here. Forums which involve piracy and damn proud of it attract a huge amount of fanbase.
And..... There's a huge lack of focus in the forums as well.

Most Online Ever: 167 (20-02-2010, 16:19:00)
This, right here, screwed Kureha for two months and it wasn't anything special. Besides that, I point Anons over here to get their daily doses when everything else is failing them.
Title: Re: Our lack of a Userbase
Post by: molitar on August 22, 2012, 12:12:05 PM
Well I use to visit this forum everyday.. but than the speed got to where I could not even open up the page unless it was like 3 or 4am EST -5 GMT.  So it wasn't that I didn't want to visit but I could not visit.. We'll see how the upgraded speed does during the daytime that I just read about in the news.   So yeah user database would been awful as many probably could not even get to the site at all without timing out.