Kureha One

Game Central => Visual Novel/Eroge Central 18+ 成人遊戲/戀愛遊戲 18+ => Topic started by: lsssk11331 on February 25, 2018, 08:37:42 AM

Title: [H-VN] Moon.
Post by: lsssk11331 on February 25, 2018, 08:37:42 AM

The story follows a young girl named Amasawa Ikumi who follows the recent death of her mother to an organization known as FARGO. Ikumi joins FARGO and uncovers their disturbing nature of harnessing psychic abilities through torture.

[From Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon.)]

Game Information:
Title: Moon.
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Links: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon.), Encubed (http://novelnews.net/tag/moon/)
Developer: Tactics (https://vndb.org/p49)
Publishers: (Japanese) Nexton (https://vndb.org/p75) & Tactics (https://vndb.org/p49)
(English) TLWiki (https://vndb.org/p925) & Amaterasu Translations (https://vndb.org/p771)
(Spanish) Key Spanish Fanclub (https://vndb.org/p1874) & 07th Inquisition (https://vndb.org/p1537)

Relations: Fandisc: Variety Tactics (https://vndb.org/v6072)

More Information:
VNDB (https://vndb.org/v15)


Download Link (Mega + Other):
Moon. (1.76 GB)
Download (http://j.gs/5199262/v15)