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Rules for Bannable Offense and other Information [May 6, 2018]

Started by deadline14, January 17, 2018, 07:47:27 PM

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This is posted and made sticky just to let any user know  so people can't say that they didn't know.

Excessive ad loops will result in a ban. You can have ads on out going links but loops will be banned.
Any Links that forces you to sign up somewhere else will be regarded as spam
Anything that is password protected but the password is not included in the post is regarded as spam.
links to other website sharing should not be posted here it should have been posted in the regular board as a conversation topic and not here in the sharing board.
Creating a Topic with existing title and is also active is not allowed 
The only time one should double post is when they hit the word limit in a post, use the modify button to add more content to the original post.

if i found one of the said offense it will automatically deleted


Sharing threads only, requests do not belong here.
Before posting a new thread check to see if it already exists, if it already exists, post in the existing thread.
Remember to tag your topics.
[LN] is the preferred tag for Light Novels from now on to save space.
[WN] for Web Novel
[CN] for Simplified Chinese Novel
[ZH] for Traditional Chinese Novel
[KRN] for Korean Novel
[Raw] or [JP]
[PDF][EPUB] is optional, not required.

New tags will not be enforced on topics created before 2017 Nov. 16.
Failure to comply will result in deleted topics, repeat offenders will be penalized.
This board is for sharing Anime/Manga/LN/WNs, not for linking to other websites.


1st Offense WARNING
2nd Offense Ban for a couple of days
3rd Offense Permanent Ban


The poster of the said title is not getting update anymore and i wanted to update it myself
you can post link to the said thread or you can also contact me to delete the said Topic and let you make one,
i mostly delete Topic that has inactive links but if you are willing to update threads i can delete those thread whose inactive in whole 2~3 months

I've noticed a lot of links on the sharing sections heavily use ads, Are ads mandatory, or user choice?
user choice... the forum adds 1 ad on out going links instead of having ads plastered all over the forum,
any other ads after the first ad is user added and the forum doesn't get a cut of it

Why my Account got deleted?
every month kureha doing a great purge, so every user who have 0 post count and didnt online for 30 days will be deleted

Please Be Aware that Reporting a Broken Links made by another User is not a
Liability of a Moderator since we can't do anything about it other than delete it

Users that has any question regarding the rules of this section can be also ask here and will be added to most question ask

Translating Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan - Tatematsuri Volume 3 Chapter 3 on process


Advertising other websites in the sharing section is not allowed -3 day ban from posting.

Do not direct link to files from another member's links. Kureha One currently allows the poster of their links to include 1 ad as an incentive for people to contribute to the community, having to maintain a large amount of files and links is hard work and Kureha appreciates that.
Offenders will have their post deleted without warning, continuous offenders will be banned.

Quoting full posts is getting out of hand, shorten it yourself, or Kureha will have to appoint someone to slap you.

What the mod/admin can't do.
-Full-fill requests to upload something that the mod/admin does not have.
-Translate something.
-Tech support on something posted by some user, post questions in said thread, not via PMs to an mod/admin.

What the mod/admin can do.
-Ban you for sending requests via PM to them, they do not have said files, especially if the damn thing isn't released yet, you're wasting their time, and your time.

As far as Kureha is aware of, there are no sub or translation groups active on this little slice of internet, requesting something to be translated does not work here.

Off topic begging or thread hijacking will result in either account deletion or ban, no warnings.

This post is a marker for future use, do not delete.

-The Management


A good book is always good, no matter how many times you've read it.


Can someone please elaborate what an ad loop is?
Like seriously, that's the first time I heard of the term.

Oh, and about the Captcha for bot-countermeasures:
You might want to put the calculation part of it into an image so a bot can't just copypasta the text.


Can someone please elaborate what an ad loop is?
Like seriously, that's the first time I heard of the term.

Oh, and about the Captcha for bot-countermeasures:
You might want to put the calculation part of it into an image so a bot can't just copypasta the text.

ad loop is sending you to ads to another ads you can report those people who have 4 or more ad loop

uhhhmm i dont think we have a captcha ads maybe those kind of ads are made by the poster...

Translating Shinwa Densetsu no Eiyuu no Isekaitan - Tatematsuri Volume 3 Chapter 3 on process


No, the forum does not use captcha related ads, only a single adfly redirect.


Well last Mont I tried to download "arifureta". The ads really got in my nerves. Again and again ads..again and again redirecting to another ad.


Based on my experience, i think it's rarer to see any dl sites that doesn't have some sort of ads.
It's becoming more common and people just need to adapt sooner.

Buy me a coffee ❤

PM me for any link problem
Troubleshooting guide: [url=""][/url]

PDF Index:


For the forum to go completely ad-less, it would have to be subscription based because no one donates.
Even then posters will be still inserting their own ads into links.
Current ad revenue doesn't even pay half of the internet bill because script is being retarded and not even inserting into every link and most users are running adblock.

Kureha is not about to go thermal and install sophisticated adblock blockers on the forum Kureha runs as a hobby.
Kureha is also opting not to have ad banners on the forum pages.


these rules are fair, and help good housekeeping as admins.

quick question:
how often can someone (be allowed to) ask / request / beg for updates (like info or new formats) in a given thread? (cause it boosts the thread position in the list)



It's posible to add the tag [complete] or [ongoing] or [hiatus] in the title of the index and threads (?)