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[VN] Qie Ting Qin Yu - Grobda Remix <且听琴语 Grobda Remix>

Started by lsssk11331, February 27, 2018, 09:22:58 PM

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Boasting rich music and a long history, the beautiful town, named—Tomoarashi, is chanting its songs with peace of mind. One day, however, an uninvited guest breaks its original peace of mind. "I believe, those who have a real understanding of music and whose heartstring has been struck by music are all nice people." What follow the words are acid yet sweet memories one after another. " What I have been pursuing all the way may be here. Casual determination plays the note of a significant yet arduous reform. " Then, let's go to search the most beautiful melodies together." Facing the invitation to chase the rainbow of dreams, the youth grips the hands reached out to him. Then, the exciting moment comes...when melodies interwoven by dreams and wishes start their most fascinating sonata.

[From Steam]

Game Information:
Title: Qie Ting Qin Yu - Grobda Remix
Original title: 且听琴语 Grobda Remix
Aliases: 且听琴语GR
Developer: You Lan Gongfang & CUM Yuanchuang Youxi
Publishers: (Chinese) CUM Yuanchuang Youxi & SakuraGame

More Information:

Download Link (Mega + Other):
Qie Ting Qin Yu - Grobda Remix <且听琴语 Grobda Remix> (1.38 GB)

As of 2018-09-06, lsssk11331 is officially signing off..... Thanks for the support guys. じゃあね