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Linkvertise links

Started by traitorAIZEN, May 17, 2023, 12:03:14 AM

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Good to know... I was a little desperate yesterday, so I just suffered through dowloading and deleting the app afterwards.

Azura Ren

Also works in Microsoft Edge Browser (PC).

◆ Alternative Links: [url="//"][/url]



@traitorAIZEN help please...

source: One Man Army --> Volume 2

so... there is a limit to free access in linkvertise...??? i'm starting to miss


is it me or anyone have a problem like this? this linkvertise now only allow 3 access /day ?


Yeah. It's seems linkvertise decided to milk users for all they can, so now you have 3 free access a day or go premium. Its like one big "f_ck you" to free users which makes almost all link on this site worthless. No fault of people who post links here but sad nonetheless.

Dayus, Dragon of Sarrow

its insanely frustrating now, i have to rebuild part of my library (many many to recollect) and can only do 3 a day this will takes years....


Like i said in another thread (sorry if you lose the bonus from linkvertise), at least with traitorAIZEN's links, in the post of preference just underline the link that you want and copy the link, paste it in a new tab of your browser and press enter to bypass linkvertise completely, for other links you will have to suffer a little if not available the subsequent link.


Not sure what you mean, gisber.  I tried copying and pasting the links in a new tab and got exactly the same result--it took me to linkvertise and demanded I pay for it after following three other links.


There is a website called thebypasser that bypasses linkvertise even if you use up all your credits. It worked for me give a try.


I thought I recognized something in the last set of alphanumeric characters (everything after "/?r=").
copy the last set of characters and use to decode'll get a link that bypasses linkvertise.

Ted Crilly

@ fanboy65 - Nice spot! No, make that a VERY nice spot. And many thanks for sharing your problem solving discovery.

Not sure what you mean, gisber.  I tried copying and pasting the links in a new tab and got exactly the same result--it took me to linkvertise and demanded I pay for it after following three other links.@ aikoster - gisber is referring to a method that can be used to bypass the outgoing "kureha" Linkverse step that is triggered when you click on a link. More info about this outgoing Linkverse link on this site can be found in pinned post by Kuhera, with the third paragraph being the relevant passage.

And to use the bypass you need to highlight the link and select "copy" and then paste that into a new tab. DO NOT select "copy link address" because that is the same as just clicking the link. Here's a usage example using the base64 link in fanboy65's above post.


made little javascript here ...hope its not offending someone
usage :  just copy the script and install tampermonkey , create new script , select all and paste the code

// ==UserScript==
// @name        VN Meido Links
// @namespace
// @version      0.1
// @description  try to take over the world!
// @author      You
// @match*
// @icon
// @grant        none
// @run-at      document-end
// ==/UserScript==

    var lnkVer = "";
    var links= document.querySelectorAll('a');

    for (let i=0;i<links.length;i++){
        let st = links[i];
        if (st.href.includes(lnkVer)){
            let newUrl = st.innerHTML;


I can understand wanting ad revenue (sites don't run for free).  I was even ok with the 4-5 ad site click throughs per file.  But when it loops back around to linkvertise twice for the same file it means you can only download a single file per day before hitting the 'limit'.  I even tried copying the link text instead of just the using the link and most of them loop around until they get back to linkvertise; at which point they can't be downloaded.  I really liked the site, and i didn't mind the many ad-link jumps for each novel.  But i don't really see myself paying linkvertise.  I'm guessing most people will be the same.

Ted Crilly

@ phlargh - Have you tried using the workaround mentioned by fanboy65 in post #54 above? If you're not sure what to do then... and once again using fanboy65's link as an example. After clicking on it you arrive at a Linkverse page with the following address.

Highlight and copy everything from and including the = to the %, which in this case is.


Then Google Base64 and use one of the many sites from the results to decode the above text to obtain the link, which in this case will be

And this should work with every Linkverse link Update. This only works with Linkverse links that use a certain format, and not every Linkverse link uses this format. So there will be links it doesn't work with. See post #61 for an example of a link it doesn't work with. I'll use one of the links you posted for Shoujo Grand Summoning 651-800 as another example. Here is the Linkverse address you get after clicking it.

With the text from the = to the % being


And here is a screenshot of what you get when you decode that with Base64 to show the above link extract can be decoded to get the link, and bypassing Linkverse in the process.

Although you'll get no argument from me regarding how annoying this recent change is. And Linkverse will likely become internet company #4,537 that killed itself off by trying to charge for a previously free service, and due to being under the delusion that people won't simply stop using them and take their traffic and ad link generating content to a rival.


Yes I tried that way.  It gets the first link, but that link leads to an another ad link, which leads to another adlink, which ends up back at linkvertise (which I can't bypass)