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[H-Game] Omoibito ga Iru Musume-tachi ga Oji-san to Ecchi Shitetara dou Omou? -T

Started by lsssk11331, June 01, 2018, 08:54:04 PM

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A love triangle unfolds in this royal romantic comedy about beautiful
To Love-ru ladies... plunged into a chasm of craven pleasure!

"Boisterous voices filled the halls as the young ladies ran to and fro, making merry.
To see them titter and curtsy with gauche manner for the affection of a single boy made my loins burn with rage and arousal.
Their particular fancy seemed to be a boy named Rito. They fawned over his boyish looks and shamelessly stared at him, drinking in his charm.
Ffffffuuuuu-- how envious I was! These little whores... young ladies today were quick to bed, and many times as well... it was despicable. Thus begins a tale that will live in infamy."

[Slightly edited from DLSite English]

Game Information:
Title: Omoibito ga Iru Musume-tachi ga Oji-san to Ecchi Shitetara dou Omou? -To Love Ru!-
Original title: 想い人がいる娘達がおじさんとエッチしてたらどう思う?-T●L●veる!-
Aliases: Ojisan Has Sex With Girls Who Admire Someone Else... What Think You? -To L*ve-ru!-
Length: Very short (< 2 hours)
Developer: SABER FISH
Publishers: (Japanese) SABER FISH

Relations: Shares characters: [unofficial] To Love-Ru: Doki Doki! Rinkai Gakkou-hen
[unofficial] To Love-Ru: Waku Waku! Rinkan Gakkou-hen
Same series: Karada o Uru Seifuku Joshi Namahame N...

Related anime: [DB-ANN] To Love-Ru: Trouble (2008)
[DB-ANN] To Love-Ru: Trouble (2009) (2009)
[DB-ANN] Motto To Love-Ru: Trouble (2010)
[DB-ANN] To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness (2012)
[DB-ANN] To Love-Ru: Trouble - Darkness OAD (2012)

More Information:


Download Link (Mega + Other):
Omoibito ga Iru Musume-tachi ga Oji-san to Ecchi Shitetara dou Omou? -To Love Ru!- <想い人がいる娘達がおじさんとエッチしてたらどう思う?-T●L●veる!-> (203.62 MB)

As of 2018-09-06, lsssk11331 is officially signing off..... Thanks for the support guys. じゃあね