Kureha One

Game Central => Raw, Japanese. 原文,日文 18+ => Topic started by: lsssk11331 on February 23, 2017, 01:29:56 PM

Title: [H-Game] Saimin Seikatsu ~Kousoku Dakara Shikatanai!?~ / 催眠生活~校則だから仕方ない!?~
Post by: lsssk11331 on February 23, 2017, 01:29:56 PM


Hayato moves back to the town he used to live in after nine years away. Upon arriving, he meets his childhood friend, Tatsumi Makino. When he arrives to his school, he finds that she has painted the school building with a message welcoming him back. It seems that over the past years she has become known for causing trouble like this, and is called Tatsumaki (Tornado) because of it.

Hayato agrees to try to get Makino to stop causing trouble, and fortunately he has a plan--he will hypnotise her! He pulls her into the broadcasting room and tries it, but it seems not to work. However, the broadcasting equipment was accidentally turned on at the time, and everyone else in the school was hypnotized...

Game Information:
Title: Saimin Seikatsu ~Kousoku Dakara Shikatanai!?~
Original Title: 催眠生活~校則だから仕方ない!?~
Developer: C: drive.
Publishers: AiCherry & C: drive. & Palace (JPN)
Same Series: Ren'ai Saimin ~Tsun na Kanojo ga dereru Saimin~
Released Date: 2014-05-30
Version: Saimin Seikatsu ~Kousoku Dakara Shikatanai!?~ Win8 compatible version
Resolution: 800x600
Voiced: Fully voiced
VNDB (https://vndb.org/v3370)

System Requirements:
OS: Microsoft Windows XP(SP3)/Vista(SP2)/7/8
CPU: Intel Pentium4 1.3GHz以上必須、2.4GHz以上推奨
メモリ: Windows XP:512MB以上必須、1GB以上推奨
グラフィック: 800x600以上の解像度 16bitカラー以上必須、32bitカラー推奨
その他: DVD-ROMドライブ必須(パッケージ版)
音源: DirectSound対応のPCM音源

(http://i.imgur.com/JEGLu5U.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/HQaRK38.jpg)

Download Link (5.73 GB):
Mega + Other (http://lnk.acb.im/wUYmXMTS)