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[H-VN] Kira Kira Curtain Call

Started by Angelus, May 01, 2010, 06:24:38 PM

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looks like crack is out
post #5015459 on /jp/
Cracking newer versions needs a bit more than just the exe. You actually need the scripts to

verify how certain checks are done, so you can incorporate measures against them in the exe.

And you need the entire game to test if it works, which it usually does.

Enjoy, /jp/


Yay! Thanks so much for the upload, been waiting a long time for MG to release this :)


MU Mirror Done :)

Sorry for the long time but I only have a 1 mb of upload and EF was very heavy


Kureha this server is in Japan ?

If is in Japan Maybe is a good idea Delete the Ef thread ...



MU Mirror Done :)

Sorry for the long time but I only have a 1 mb of upload and EF was very heavy
Why are you splitting downloads in so many parts? The fewer parts, the easier it's for people to download, and MU allows up to 1024 MB of file size.

Kureha this server is in Japan ?

If is in Japan Maybe is a good idea Delete the Ef thread ...
Kureha hosts it from his home pc - located in Taiwan.


Well because i collect points for each download to mantain for free my premium account:

If someone have problems downloading split parts the best solution is the use of jdownloader or other similar software


It's not a home PC... It's a dedicated server.


It's not a home PC... It's a dedicated server.
oh, my bad.
I thought it's home PC, since reverse-IP resolves to, and you're also using dynDNS as domain name.
i've never seen dedicated server with dynamic ip, but with asia IPv4 adress shortage it might be possible i guess.



It's not a home PC... It's a dedicated server.
oh, my bad.
I thought it's home PC, since reverse-IP resolves to, and you're also using dynDNS as domain name.
i've never seen dedicated server with dynamic ip, but with asia IPv4 adress shortage it might be possible i guess.

I believe i know the reason about Angelus asking about IP and Ef... To be honest i've been thinking about it myself recently..

But i still think that whatever the case, bottom line, its Kureha's decision... So 'kiddies' like us should not butt into mommy and daddy's conversation.. XDDD LOLOLOL No offence tho. Meant that as a joke obviously.

But back to topic...

Holy Oranges Batman!
Angelus you did it again...


I'm just lazy and can't afford to buy a domain name and using a dynamic IP helps to keep people guessing. I could give my ISP a ring and switch to static, but I'ld loose my 8 dynamics. Used to use a address but someone got them to terminate my service.

Some places see the server IP as american, I don't know why. On the EF note, I believe that we'll be ok, Kureha One doesn't show up on google when you search for EF, I also believe that it's not licensed here nor are any other VNs as there isn't a market for it here. Ever since we hopped to no-ip, visitors have dropped by 25~50%. Kinda defeats the server hardware upgrade I spent... lol. I'm not trying to be popular or get a zillion hits, this is just a place where people can easily get what they want and be able to talk about things and help each other out.


Why so haves beta labeled in .RAR files??????It's an beta version??????


It's not a beta, it's a compressed file. Use WinRar or 7zip to extract.


is the crack include in angelus's MU mirror?
oh and, smaller size for each parts really helps me, so it's okay XD
[Signature removed because it was outdated]


I'm not sure, it's easily obtainable through one of the 3 mirrors if it's not.



First i'd like to say that i'm not related to mangagamer or Jast in anyway, i have been following these english h-games since True Love and Season of Sakura.
I have to admit that i'm also regularly downloading these new games for free but i have supported these english companies also by actually buying many of their titles, at this moment i have 12 titles on my shelf and 2 downloads from mangagamer.

Piracy has always been with the english h-games but now it is at the point where the game is just hours or next day available for free download...  :-[

I'm not making any silly requests that it must be stopped completely knowing that's impossible but i have been thinking one way that would help: why not wait for 1 week after the official game release and then release them here and elsewhere for free? Just one week. If it results in just 1 or 2 more sold games for these companies them we have supported them (in a way). With the things going as they are now we are just sawing the branch we are all on...

Just my thoughts, don't mean to annoy anyone but give it some thinking...  :)