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wait im confused, what happened again to chronoa? and how is it again that hinata at present is just hinata? sorry i forgot i guess im getting old
Great character:
- Yes, was a man in her previous life.
- While she likes woman, it is really a non-issue thing as she likes martial artists more.  Just because she became a woman, did not change her sexual preference.  She does not like men that way, but does treat them as "bros".
- Because of her character, she is incredibly talented at martial arts, but other than that, is still her original self, who is kind of a silly and simple person.
- Starts of incredibly ugly, as in the character creator, removed all appearance points to further spec into making a munchkin like character to play as.
- Is later picked up by a Master who notices her talent, however decides the first thing needed for this disciple is to tame that wild personality, teach them an art that makes one beautiful (thus fixing the appearance to look like what you see on the cover after mastery).  As well as teaching 42 ways (needed to be memorized) on how to do hair and how to act...
- The how to act part didn't really stick.  She can kind of do it, but her original personality is still the main thing.
- Speaking of the original personality, she is "morally good"....
- However almost all of her martial arts (because of how she built her character) are some of the most evil ones around.
- She also truly enjoys killing.  Finding that as good as using a sword is, when using her own hand to pierce one's skull, is even more exhilarating and euphoric.  On top of loving the feel of bathing in the blood (literally) of people while she's killing them.
- But because she is "morally good", she only kills people with bad karma (of which because of her game like system, she can see a number above someone's head when she looks and if it is negative, that means negative karma, bad person).
- Of course being a murim world, killing bad people isn't a bad thing, so she's just living life to the fullest as a "good person".

It's a silly fun read so far.
There is no romance or anything of that like so far for the MC.  There are no tags for it either on NovelUpdates.
Light Novel: Added.
Volume 9 is out.
NU Rating: 4.4 / 5.0

[Story Synopsis]
It's a story about a man who got transported into a novel and possessed a slum boy. He met a noble girl and served her as a butler for 13 Years. Now the girl has already fallen from her noble life and lives in an abandoned mansion with paralyzed legs. Why did she become like that? Of course because she is the villainess in the novel.

Based on the reviews on this novel it'ss quite good, I got interested on the title because I suddenly remembered falling in love with the villainess where the mc was also a butler so yeah I kinda wanna read it on pdf format

here's the novel updates link:
Thank you very much
Added VOLUME 2

Added VOLUME 7

Added VOLUME 2